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Playing with kids

Our new favorite Beach.

Mamalang and I have known each other for a couple of years now.  We were first introduced when we did an Organizational Swap and we were paired together.  What kept us in contact is my love for the State of Delaware.  Mamalang lives in my favorite State and last summer we tried to meet up at the Beach, but missed each other in the crowds at Funland.  This year we were determined to make sure we would get that chance.

Mamalang sent me a text to let us know they were at Funland and we were thankfully on our way out for a walk which was to include a stop at the rides.  We easily met up and got to chatting right away.  We sent the men on the rides with the kids and got a chance to get to know each other without sending an email back and forth.  Our boys are the same age so they were instant friends daring each other to go on the more thrilling rides.

While we were letting Mamalang and her family head out for dinner, they mentioned that we should join them on their beach later that week.  I looked at Hubby being careful not to impose more visiting with others on our vacation and he jumped right in and said we would join them the next day.  He wanted to change up our beach routine a little bit.  The next day we headed out on our new adventure.

I have driven by this stretch of beach countless times in my lifetime, but have never stopped.  This is one of those beaches where you are allowed to drive up (with a permit of course) on the sand and park your vehicle.  Since we didn’t have any fishing poles and didn’t want to get a permit for just one day, we parked in the parking lot and walked over to where Mamalang and her family had parked their Jeep and were starting to set up.  These guys are professional beach goers.  They had the poles, the tent, the chairs, the sand buckets everything you need for a perfect day on the beach.  We joined in the fun and helped set up.

I just had to get a shot of the Jeep, I almost drapped my Canadian flag towel across the hood,but somehow it just didn’t seem right.

 The waves rolling in were the waves of my childhood.  You could ride these waves all day and not get tired.  In recent years they have had to replenish our regular beach so we have experienced some choppier waves in the last few years.  These ones just begged for you to come in and hang out.  The sand on your feet were filled with treasures and our Hubby’s were both bringing up handfuls of goodies to search through.  The boys played in the water and dug for sand crabs and the the bigger girls chatted and swam.  Apple got a bucket of her very own where she played for hours sitting in it, dunking her hair and just filling it with water.

I don’t think I could describe what a great day we had so instead I will leave you with a mosaic of our fabulous time.  If it weren’t for the fact that the kids were getting very tired and the heat was starting to melt us all I think we would have stayed all night.  The kids were asleep before we were on the highway back to our cottage and with only a brief nap were in bed by 9pm.  A day well spent by the seashore.  I don’t dare tell you the name of this fabulous beach for fear it will be packed next year.  I just don’t want to share it with anyone, well anyone except Mamalang and her family that it.  Thank you for taking us, we had the most wonderful time.

Categories: Photography, Playing with kids, The Beach, Vacation

Another thing we sort of brought home from vacation is this marshmallow shooter. I say sort of because rather than pay $5 for one at the Riverfest, like my cousins did, we paid $5 and got two full ones with pipe left over for another one.

I am not sure what kind of shooter it really is, I guess you can shoot anything, but marshmallows seem to be the best for a few reasons.

They don’t get stuck.

They only slightly hurt if you get shot by one.

The dog will clean up if you miss one on the carpet.

And last of all, marshmallows are yummy!

My cousins tried grapes, lemon-heads and skittles, but marshmallows really do work best. We have been having tons of fun with ours here and yes, there are a few rules of engagement that have to be applied, one of which is that safety glasses must be worn.

Enjoy! And let me know if you make one yourself.

Categories: Fun Stuff to do with Kids, Kids, Playing with kids

Hubby returns

He is on his way home as we speak. And I can’t believe I haven’t posted since Wednesday. I still get kind of nauseous on the computer so I definately don’t check in every day right now, but I guess I thought I had posted since then.

Thursday, first day without Hubby, was a long one as J decided to climb into bed with me at 3:30 while the snowplows were out clearing the streets from our mini-storm. He rolled over me until 5:00 when he announced it was time to get up. I made him stay put until 6:00 but it wasn’t a restful sleep for sure.

My Mom stopped by on Thursday, ok, I invited her to stop by to help me tackle one of my To-Do’s from my list. We started at 9:30am and finished at 2:00pm. We cleaned the Loft. It was item number 2 which actually was to finish setting up the proper office, except I couldn’t do that until I cleaned it out. My Mom can’t do one room at a time, so she tackled A’s closet which was full of pretty much nothing. So together we got it all cleared out, cleaned out and ready to be an office once again. Hubby will die of shock for sure, that and the three bags of garbage and a bag of clothes that needs to go out.

J realized that we didn’t make any Valentine’s on Wednesday so I pulled out the craft supplies and we made a bunch of Valentine’s to give to his cousins and Aunties.

Lego. Lego. And more Lego. I have made planes, boats, space ships, and have a huge headache from playing Lego. Or I should say from building with Lego. Why can’t they make things that don’t fall apart? You spend 2 hours making a ship and within minutes half of it has fallen apart. And if your kid is anything like mine he wants it fixed over and over and over again. Yikes. At least I got a reprieve yesterday when I hung out at my Mom’s. My Dad, who has never owned Lego in his life, and has big hands not meant for Lego building, spent the afternoon playing Lego with J. Wow, that was a break for me.

Can’t wait for Hubby. I need a nap and to run far, far away from the Lego!

Categories: Playing with kids, To Do List