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Marshmallow Shooter Anyone?

Another thing we sort of brought home from vacation is this marshmallow shooter. I say sort of because rather than pay $5 for one at the Riverfest, like my cousins did, we paid $5 and got two full ones with pipe left over for another one.

I am not sure what kind of shooter it really is, I guess you can shoot anything, but marshmallows seem to be the best for a few reasons.

They don’t get stuck.

They only slightly hurt if you get shot by one.

The dog will clean up if you miss one on the carpet.

And last of all, marshmallows are yummy!

My cousins tried grapes, lemon-heads and skittles, but marshmallows really do work best. We have been having tons of fun with ours here and yes, there are a few rules of engagement that have to be applied, one of which is that safety glasses must be worn.

Enjoy! And let me know if you make one yourself.

Categories: Fun Stuff to do with Kids, Kids, Playing with kids

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  • Kami July 24, 2008, 11:40 am

    Oh, I think with two boys around those would be downright dangerous!!

    But they look like loads of fun 🙂

  • Kim July 24, 2008, 11:02 pm

    That looks like a blast! In a previous job, we once had a fun day at work that consisted of us running around pelting each other with marshmallows. I could do with a few more days like that from time to time.

  • little miss mel July 26, 2008, 12:45 am

    THAT IS HILARIOUS!! Quite inventive!!!

  • Anna July 26, 2008, 3:09 am

    You have got to be kidding me—-$5!!!
    I wanted to get one for the kids for Christmas last year and the local kids boutique was selling them for $40, needless to say I was a little baffled at the price.
    Now I do believe it was with good reason and not that I was being too thrifty.

    Love the photo of J, awesome!

  • Karen MEG July 26, 2008, 1:35 pm

    Wow, what a great idea!!! Marshmallow; very inventive 🙂

  • 180/360 July 29, 2008, 12:54 pm

    What a fun idea. But when my children eat marshmallows they get crazy. I can’t imagine the wildness that would come from pelting them at people while simultaneously eating them. ACK!

  • lindasands August 21, 2008, 7:19 am

    COol. Will have to try this version. The one I bought for a friend was about $20!

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