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Last Friday night.  Yes, last Friday night, I know I don’t get to blog very often anymore, so it would seem.  I am actually looking forward to the end of the school year and our vacation just so I can get back into my blog full force. Either that or I will have to go back to work to have time to blog as being a Working at Home Mom leaves little time for my hearts desires.

So, last Friday night, a bunch of us got together for an evening of Card Making with A Crafty Mom. There were six of us in total, A Crafty Mom, Myself, Coffee and Commutes, Capital Mom , Gliding Lara, and Two Hands Full and I think I made enough desserts for fifteen of us, but it was all good, I just made sure to eat, I mean bring home the leftovers.

Shannon had a wonderful set up for us, we had five card stations set up with all the necessary tools to put the cards together.  Shannon did most of the labour intensive work we just got to paste and stamp, which is really the fun part of crafting anyway.

In between card making we got to chat and catch up.  It isn’t too often that I get a night out with friends so using the Card Making as an excuse to get together was great.  All of us have children and all of us need that little alone time to not worry about what is happening at home.  Although a couple of the brave Mom’s with smaller children made it solo and got some instant messages on their phones about how the kids were doing with Mom out of the house. For all the fun we had, we will have to find another occasion to get together and make cards for, I am thinking Christmastime, but in November or earlier. And next time we will need to have a few more hands in the mix, with more stories to tell.

As a side note, my blog will be having a birthday next week!!!  We are turning FIVE!  Stay tuned for a few giveaways in celebration!

Categories: Craftiness, Photography, Playdates, Teachers, Thank You

Lazy Summer Days

If it wasn’t for the fact that the temperatures were hot, I would be thinking we were living on the West coast.  Now, I am not one to complain about any summer weather, but can I at least say enough of the rain already!?  Where rainy days were previously reserved for indoor play we are now starting to adapt to living with rain and going out in it.  We now have the ‘if you can’t beat them join them’ mentality.

Sunday saw us take a trip over the river to a friends house.  Hubby just loves going to her place because it is surrounded by woods and farming fields and all you hear is nature and kids playing.  If I agreed to it he would pack us up in an instant.  Some days I wonder why we live in suburbia, but others I understand completely.  It is all about convenience, mostly mine.  For fun we decided to take the ferry.  J was so excited but, sadly I think he was a bit disappointed.  The ferry ride was all of five maybe ten minutes.  It seemed so much longer 15 years ago when I took it all the time to visit a girlfriend of mine.  But it was a boat ride none the less.

 The boys had a blast playing in the sprinkler, blowing bubbles, going on a nature walk through the woods, playing in the tree fort.  While us ladies hung out in the kitchen or on the porch.  Oh the porch is to die for.  I didn’t take any photos of the house, silly me.  Most of it is covered (where hubby sat in the rain and listened to the rain pelt the tin roof).  But, part of it is not and it is a great place to sit in the sun and get the shade for supper time.  When they built their house (and I mean THEY built their house, no builders here) they really planned well for the orientation. And her kitchen!  To die for.  Nice and big and a very welcome room.  They thought about how everyone hangs out in the kitchen and planned to make sure it was comfortable enough to do just that.

And then, there is her garden… ahh… how could you not have a fabulous day when this is greeting you outside your door?  Behind it is her kitchen garden and with all the rain this year the flowers and the veggies are all growing well.  As we were leaving they made sure to tell us to come back any time… well, Hubby may be packing his bags and heading up there every weekend for the rest of the summer.  He was one happy man after spending the day at the Creek.

Categories: Family, Kids, Playdates, Summer

Still have Jetlag

I think this is the first time I can officially say I have jetlag.  Either that or I am just exhausted from a week of tending to Apple by myself (I did have a little help when Mom was there, but Apple just wanted to be with Mama) or from flying with two kids all day long.  We had another stellar trip with Westjet, I may just have to write them a letter saying Thanks.  The six AM flight out of Regina was uneventful and Apple slept, hooray!  Our three hour layover in Calgary was spent having breakfast and letting the kids play.  The time passed quickly and we were back on an airplane before I knew it.  Both Apple and J were sound asleep before take-off and I had a two hours to watch tv uninterrupted.  It was amazing.

As much as it pains me to leave my Sister and her family, I miss home and Hubby and despite J asking to move to Regina, I told him to talk to his Uncle about moving back here.  It was another great trip and J is alreay making plans for next year.

Here is a photo recap of our last few days.

Meeting up with fellow bloggers, Anna and Kami.

I won a little giveaway from Anna’s blog and she delivered it in person, or I should say her beautiful little girl delivered it to me.  Bling for my fridge!

I made a little purchase from Anna’s Etsy Shop.  It is a very beachy painting to me and it matches my decor, so I had  to make a purchase.

The Corner Gas Set.  They just started filming their last season.  My last two visits we intended to get out to the set, so this year we went due to the fact that they won’t be filming next year.  Unless of course they do the movie that we heard talk about in town.

One of the many photos I took of farms on the Praries.  There is something to be said for the flatness.  You can see for miles and miles.  Farms and buildings are the only things on the horizon, it is stunning and beautiful.

And the last photo for today, Mamalang and I were exchange partners for the Organizational Swaparooni.  Her package was waiting for me when I got home.  She found a beautiful set for my kitchen one to hold all the mail bills that come in the mail and the other for  business cards.  I love them.  They have already taken up residence beside my computer on our little half wall.  The colours  match our kitchen paint and family room colours perfectly.  Mamalang did a fantastic job picking this out for me.  And we found out we love the same beach!!  Now that doesn’t happen that I find someone who has even heard of my beach let alone loves it.  Thank you Mamalang.

Categories: About Me, Gift Exchange, Organization, Playdates, Travel