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A Little March Break Fun

The guys with their truck were gone by 9pm, onward on at least a five hour journey home.  We had fun watching the tow truck driver inch the rig around the corner.  Thank you so much for your compliments.  I know that if I had had somewhere to go I would probably have been a lot less helpful, but with nowhere to go and knowing how silly they already felt I put myself in their shoes.  I also thought about a fellow blogger’s Dad, not that he would have gotten stuck.  He would have most likely had the foresight to investigate before attempting the turn, but these young guys just figured their rig wouldn’t get stuck.  Anyhow, I thought of SAJ’s Dad and I know that if he was out there, I would have done the same if not more.

  March Break is almost over and although it feels like we have done so much it also feels like we have done nothing at all.  After so much fun in the huge amounts of snow, the novelty has worn off.

We took Apple for her 6 month check up.  She is growing steadily and although she is big for her age, she is small in comparison to J at 6 months, so it is hard to remember that he was really, really large.  Apple is starting to crawl.  I was too tired to pull out the camera for that tonight, but I will try to catch her tomorrow.  The time is near to clear up all the little fiddly things and baby proof at least the family room and kitchen.

After Apple’s check up I took J bowling with his best bud from school.  He was really great!  I did not think I was going to have to bowl but we were a bit late, so I left Apple in the stroller and threw a few.  I forgot how much fun it can be to throw a ball at some pins, very refreshing.  Here’s a photo of J taking his first toss.  And just like me, he was doing a little dance after each throw.

 Today found us visiting with some of my girlfriends I have known for years and their kids.  Thankfully there was an older boy for J to play with and us ladies got to chat with the babies on our laps.

Now we have to decide what we are going to do with out last official day of March Break.

Categories: Fun Stuff to do with Kids, Playdates

Taking time

Do you ever have one of those weeks, you know that ones that are so full that you hardly have time to sit and recover from your day?  I am having one of those weeks.  And do not get me wrong, I am loving it.  You all just read that last line and went, “huh??”

I am not saying that I would like every week to be like this one, but I would like to have a balance.  Either I have nothing going on or way too much going on.  And I miss being busy every day so that the days that aren’t busy become a treat and something to look forward to.

Aside from school everyday, which I will be walking J to and from school starting next week as Hubby is finished his school and heads back to the office.  That I am not looking forward to, at least not until the weather warms up again.  Anyhow, I was saying.  Aside from school every morning, I only have one afternoon activity planned for J each week and that is gymnastics.  I tried for skating, but we are on a waiting list.  And because a lot of his friends are also in activities it only leaves us one other day to have playdates with them.  The other days sometimes just slip by without a lot going on.  So, this week turned into one of those weeks where I accidentally scheduled something everyday after school.  But, it has turned out great!  I feel like I am not a couch potato (although I miss my computer time) and J is interacting with friends so it is adventurous for him too.   Now I just need to find a way to fill in one or two days next week to keep the flow and all will be well.

Categories: Misc., Playdates


Today we are having our first playdate with new friends from J’s school. If it weren’t for this Mom introducing herself to me, I probobly would still not know anybody (yes, I am that shy). Her son is in J’s class and they get along great.

So, today in a few minutes we will be heading over to their place to hang out. The funniest thing is that they live in the same model house as we do, just a few years older. It will be neat to see how they have it decorated and stuff.

Categories: Playdates