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My Take on BlogHer10

After being in the big city of New York, home in Suburbia seems a little, well, boring.  It is indeed true what they say that New York is the city that never sleeps.  And apparently BeachMama had a hard time sleeping in the big city.  I am not sure if it was being away from my family or just the noises everywhere (car horns go all night long) but I did not get my best sleep while in New York and I was never so thankful for my own quiet bedroom as I was last night.

I have been trying to decide what to write almost all day.  I have done laundry, wrote a few lines, made lunch, wrote a few lines and downloaded pictures then wrote a few lines.  Then it all didn’t make sense so I started all over again.

I went to BlogHer and I loved it.  My partner in crime and roomie, A Crafty Mom made it to NYC only to come down with a tummy bug that saw her spend a day and a half sleeping it off in bed. I would have rather that hadn’t happened so I could say that the trip was perfect from beginning to end, but it did and we have to acknowledge it.  We did agree that it was probably the best place to be for her to get sick as she could spend the day and a half in bed getting better instead of trying to take care of her children while sick.

While A Crafty Mom was getting better, my other roomie, Barbara, was helping me get around NYC and keeping me encouraged to do stuff by myself.  I had registered for the BlogHer 5k Tutus for Tanner along with A Crafty Mom and thought about bailing out.  Why would I run around NYC by myself in a tutu? Why?  Because I can and Tanner can’t. That is why. With everything that went wrong for Tanner to make it NYC, surely I could put on my running shoes and run around the streets of Manhattan with my tutu flying in the breeze.  Shannon was live Tweeting the run, so she caught me bright and early in my tutu.

Lovely ladies #tutusfortanner #blogher5k on Twitpic

I made it.  Imagine that. I am almost 40 years old and I managed to run a 5km square through Manhattan with strangers staring, laughing and me singing, taking pictures and crying.  Yes, crying.  Running is emotional and when you do it for someone else that makes it worse.  Add to that I was tired and the song “Forever Young” by Alphaville started playing as I was pushing the last few blocks. It was all I could do to not break down and sob.

With the run behind me it was officially time to start attending BlogHer.  I made it to the opening speeches and the first round of sessions and was having a great time.  I did expect a little more from the opening, a chance to meet others or something, but we were a large group so there were other ways to get out and meet others that I had to make use of.  The sessions I attended were great.

After listening to others talk about their experiences, good and bad, I have come to the conclusion that BlogHer gives you what you want to take out of it.  I went there with very little expectations.  I have a teeny tiny blog, it isn’t even small to me, just teeny tiny and all I wanted was to either confirm what I was doing was right or should I be moving in a different direction.  And that is what I got.  I got to hear others share in their experiences of writing, photography, small blogs, fitness blogs, environment and activism.  And all of it was great.  Even if all I took away was that I was doing the right thing,  I am happy.

I did not go to Blogher expecting to walk away with sponsors or book deals or even to be recognized. I went for the community and the sharing and that is exactly what I got. Were there sponsors onsite? Sure, did I talk to any, nope.  Did I try, nope. I went to a few parties and built more of my community and it was fantastic.

Was I recognized?  You bet. I met two fabulous ladies whom I have known for a few years now, Emily and Cooper from the Motherhood.  We tweeted with each other and Emily was certain we would meet, I on the other hand wondered.  Then I stepped into a very full elevator and who was right in front of me?  Emily.  And we were going to the same floor.  After years of emailing and talking through blogs and comments I got to give them hugs and share for a few minutes.  And that for me, was fabulous.

I also got to meet Kathy Buckworth, whom I did a book review for and that was really lovely as we were dancing it up on the dance floor and I saw her and knew I just had to say hi as we had tweeted that we should meet up at some point there.  I ran into Erica and Sharon from the Yummy Mummy Club, whom I had met at Winterlude. And Candace from Best Tools whom I volunteered with at the Food Bank. It was a little like a reunion of sorts, but a good reunion, not an old High School reunion.

I also got to meet another special lady, but I must include a photo and really it is a post of its own so I will save that for tomorrow.

So yes, I loved BlogHer10.  I loved the women that made it wonderful for me Shannon, Lara, Brie, Barbara, Shannon, Andrea, Julie, Sherrie and Cheri-Lynn.  And a huge shout out to Chevrolet and Adria for making out drive there and back quite lovely in our fabulous Chevrolet Equinox for our #ChevyBlogHer Roadtrip.

And yes, I would love to attend BlogHer11 in San Diego next year.

Categories: Blogher, Business, Cars, Catching up, Uncategorized

EM Ottawa – February

It is hard to believe that the February meeting of Entrepreneurial Moms has already come and gone.  And what a great meeting.  Held on Tuesday night at Lagos we got to hear Shari Westman of Comfort Keepers speak on how and why she decided to start her business and how she has managed to keep going through the challenges of starting a company and raising a family.  Shari was very motivating and wonderful to listen to.

Again another great group of women turned out for the event. There were a few new faces and I am already looking forward to the March meeting.  My only hope is that I am much healthier than I was this past month.

 Shari Westman, Comfort Keepers

Carolyn Mehdi, Shari Westman and Janet McCausland



Carolyn Mehdi and Janet McCausland

Categories: Business, EMOttawa

EM Ottawa Launch

Wednesday night was the Launch for the Ottawa Chapter of Entrepreneurial Moms.  And WOW what an awesome group of women.  The room was full of gorgeous successful Moms, Moms-to-be and Moms of the future.  I am so excited to be a part of such a wonderful community.  I was asked to bring along my camera and capture some of these great Moms.

Here is just a sneak peek (to be fair, I don’t want to list names because I can’t remember everyone’s names, so I would just be sprinkling names here and there but, feel free to leave a comment on my flickr page or below if you are in one of the photos):

Our Hosts and Chapter Co-Directors Carolyn Mehdi and Janet McCausland.




Isn’t that an amazing looking group?  Lagos was a lovely venue to meet, although if we get any bigger we will need to move to a bigger room.

I should also include a shout out to Erin Blaskie, our inspiring speaker of the evening.  Erin shared with us tips on using Social Networking to help our businesses grow. If you ever get a chance to hear Erin speak take it, she is really wonderful.

Categories: Business