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EM Ottawa – February

It is hard to believe that the February meeting of Entrepreneurial Moms has already come and gone.  And what a great meeting.  Held on Tuesday night at Lagos we got to hear Shari Westman of Comfort Keepers speak on how and why she decided to start her business and how she has managed to keep going through the challenges of starting a company and raising a family.  Shari was very motivating and wonderful to listen to.

Again another great group of women turned out for the event. There were a few new faces and I am already looking forward to the March meeting.  My only hope is that I am much healthier than I was this past month.

 Shari Westman, Comfort Keepers

Carolyn Mehdi, Shari Westman and Janet McCausland



Carolyn Mehdi and Janet McCausland

Categories: Business, EMOttawa

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