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Workout Wednesday – Triceps Extension

Workout Wednesday has rolled around again.  And at least this week I can say I did something.  I did two 3k walks a 3k run and the Barrhaven Family Fun Run (2.5k).  I also did two stregnth training sessions.  Not bad considering I did nothing last week.

We are leaving for our Beach vacation in three and a half weeks, so the push is on for me.

I thought I would share my standing Triceps Extension.

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, a weighted dumbbell (I use 7lbs, but you can use soup cans if you are starting out) held with both hands up over your head.

Slowly lower your arms behind your head.

As far down as you can go without hitting yourself with the dumbbell.

Raise the dumbbell back up to starting position, slowly, and repeat.  Do two or three sets of 12 – 15 repetitions.

While performing this exercise, keep your back straight and your abs tight.  My knees should be slightly bent here but, I was instructing J on his photography, so I missed that one.  The Triceps Extension is a great exercise to firm up your arms and helps to open up your chest muscles as well.

**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Workout Wednesday

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  • Kami June 10, 2009, 3:41 pm

    This is a good one, for some reason I always think it will be easy and then I am shaking and baking all over the place 🙂

  • Meghann June 10, 2009, 5:06 pm

    I love this one, I also love tricep dips 🙂

  • Amy @ Muddy Boots June 11, 2009, 8:58 am

    I find (at least I found when I was actually working out regularly) that I did a better job of keeping the rest of my form good if I did this one sitting down on a bench facing a mirror. I love the feeling of strong triceps!

    (Who am I kidding? I LOVED the feeling of strong triceps, when once-apon-a-time I HAD strong triceps.)

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