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Workout Wednesday – Running and Stretching

It’s Winter.  That is all that needs to be said about why the treadmill is my tool of choice this week.  I managed three 5k runs this week and a whole lot of stretching.  I was hoping to start one of my programs to review, but the worst case yet of tendonitis in my left wrist left me not only in a lot of pain, but unable to use my wrist for any sort of anything.  Instead I focused on adding in some stretching to my day.  I am doing stretches, mostly side reaches and touching my toes (you laugh but, getting back flexibility is tough) when I get up in the morning and before bed.  And any time I remember in between.

Apple is a jumper, she jumps her day away.  When she gets going we all try to join her.  Jumping up and down our halway on the way to feed the dog or take out the recycling is a fun way to add more movement into our day.

In addition to getting more exercise we are back to our healthy choices eating.  Gone are the cookies and candies and back are the apples, carrots and water.  Inspired by A Crafty Mom’s post on Whole Body Action Plan I have also cut way back on any snacks and replaced them with a small glass (250ml) of juice.  These are organic blended juices that are quite rich but contain anti-oxidants and vitamins and minerals only found in fruits and veggies that I rarely eat.  After a week, well really four days because although I started exercising last week, the junk food reigned supreme last weekend, I feel better. A little more energetic and getting better sleep.  Here’s hoping this is the beginning of an ongoing trend.

**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Workout Wednesday

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  • Kami January 7, 2010, 11:08 am

    Good plan! I need to get the Christmas baking out of here because it’s sucking all my energy but yet I can’t stop eating it….

  • A Crafty Mom January 7, 2010, 2:49 pm

    Glad it’s going well – that is a fabulous treadmill, for sure. And it is definitely too cold to run outside, I am the queen of cold weather wimpy-ness. I think I’m going to give those juices a try – b/c I am mostly having smoothies and they are sometimes too “thick” for me. Good to hear the energy is coming back . . . maybe it is all the jumping going on around you 🙂

  • Sharon January 7, 2010, 6:12 pm

    I am trying to eat better> I am avoiding fast foods completely and eating as much veggies as I can in the winter months. (hate the taste of them this time of year) MY Goal is to eat as little packaged food as possible. SO chips on weekends and a small bag, or at parties. MORE fruit, and taking my lunch to school which is a total drag! AND If I do eat at school it is a wrap or stir fry. PLUS more water…less pop…a hard one for me, but I do drink COKE ZEro thanks to your advice and that alone lost me 12 lbs. I am walking more and up the ramps at CU which I find harder than the bloody stairs. I want to get resistance bands and for my BIRTHDAY In August and Ellicpitcal…I need something easy on my knees.

    GOOD JOB getting back on track maybe we can do it together!

  • Shannon January 7, 2010, 10:10 pm

    That’s great (aside from the wrist pain)! I’m also making some changes. I used to be really healthy eating and active.but since baby #2 came, I’ve been sloth like and just a bad bad eater. Hallowe’en, then Christmas. I decided the other day that I was not buying junk at all. So far, so good. I even bought seasoning to put on homemade popcorn rather than buying $ and bad for you Orville Red. kind.

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