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Our newest TV addict

Up until now we have been so thankful that Miss Apple has not cared one little bit about television.  There were times that I could have used a little 20 minute tele-break, but she would have nothing of it.

Then one day she asked me for Treehouse.  I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how she knew what Treehouse was.  Then, I figured it out.  On Mondays when I help out my Dad with his elderly friends Mom watches Apple for me.  And she would turn on Treehouse while they would fold laundry together (well, Mom would fold and re-fold and Apple would undo what Mom was doing).

 This morning after dropping J at school, Apple was asking me for a movie.  “The one with birdies, huh?”. She asked me over and over and over again until finally she brought me an Einstein video and that was it.  She sat and watched it for a full 20 minutes.  Only stopping to wonder why I was taking her picture.  I hope this is just a one off, I was getting used to not having the TV on during the day.

Categories: Kids, Technology, Things that Kids do

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  • Shannon January 5, 2010, 10:48 pm

    C had no interest at all in tv which was just fine by me…until a few weeks ago. Now he crawls into bed with us in the morning and watches Playhouse Disney, which I can handle (though Imagination Movers I think it’s called – hey, I’m half sleeping, heh – is horrible).

    I do turn on shows for him now in the daytime when I need to do something but I find I often get sick of the noise in the background and need to turn it off. No tv. No music. Just silence.

    I don’t mind some tv time for him, but there’s no way I’m giving up my Ellen/News at Noon or Oprah. 😉

  • Valerie January 6, 2010, 4:26 pm

    she’s so cute. I like the new watermark, too. 🙂

  • Sharon January 6, 2010, 6:13 pm

    I am a Big Supporter of education t.v. babysitting…I mean watching. Nathan was such and still is a demanding child that I needed that few minutes of quite and calm. Now I can`t get him to watch t.v. at all. Ok He`s 8 but he won`t watch much anymore. Now I have pry him off the computer. ALTHOUGH that is even not too bad. He goes in spurts and then doesn`t go near the thing for a week.

    She is too cute and MOM stop taking my picture!