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Workout Wednesday – Leg Drops

These Workout Wednesdays are making me realize that the weeks are just flying by!

Here we are again, but the difference in the temperatures outside are amazing.  Dare I share that it was a balmy 15C here today!  Glorious.  All the more reason to get the workouts going and keep them going, it will soon be shorts and tank top season and after looking at the photos from today, I realize I have a lot more work to do.

This week was pretty good for me.  I got in a 5k run, which I ran faster than I have in probably fifteen years.  I finished in 32 minutes which included the warm up.  And if I can be honest, I could have kept on going.  I was feeling good, the music was pumping through my phone and I was in the zone.  J, however, was done with me making noise on the treadmill and I realized that if I pushed myself too hard I was going to suffer all weekend.  And since J was sick with a fever, I didn’t want to push myself over the edge.

I also got in an extra 3k powerwalk and three weight training workouts.  I think overall this week was good.  I have also started adding more salad and less carbs to my diet in the last three days, so hopefully this will pan out on the scale as well.

This weeks exercise is Leg Drops.  Another favorite of mine, it is great for your abs.  J was once again my photographer, although I use the tripod he is pretty good and getting better at letting me know if we need to do them again.  It warms my heart and makes me proud that he may potentially follow in my footsteps.  (He just leaned over my shoulder and laughed at the ball growing out of my butt, I told him to look for that next time.)

I have two methods to show you, the first one is if you have a bench or mat that you can lie on so you are up off the floor.  This makes the exercise harder, thus working your abs more.  The second shows without the bench as you can still do this exercise directly on the floor.


For either version of this exercise start lying on your back, hands preferably at your sides (don’t mind mine moving, it is hard when you are posing for a photo instead of doing the actual exercise).  Legs straight up, ankles together and start to slowly drop them to the floor.  Do not drop them until they touch the floor, but come as close as you can.  Then start to lift them back up again.

Breathe out while lowering your legs, breathe in while raising them.  Go slowly and precisely and this will work your abs.  By your 12th rep you should be feeling it.  Do 12 reps, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat.


**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer.  I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again.  I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer.  I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Exercise, Fitness, Workout Wednesday

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  • Kami March 18, 2009, 10:57 pm

    I love this one! and the ball growing out of your butt, I might not have noticed it if J hadn’t pointed it out 🙂 Guess I won’t be following in your footsteps 🙂

  • Loukia March 19, 2009, 8:33 am

    Yesterday’s weather, as wonderful as it was, scared me silly! I lost 15 pounds before our trip to Bahamas at the end of January, but when I got back… I gained pretty much all of it back! So now I have to get back on the program… and start working out… and watching what I eat… your workout looks great – my sister has that big ball at her house so I should just there and get my self in shape! Thanks for sharing this!

  • Shannon March 20, 2009, 3:52 pm

    This looks good, I’ll have to try it. I am still doing the step up every other day and I LOVE it. It’s great and easy to fit in even when I have no time (wait, that is every single day!!!). I’ll be trying this one for sure too!!

    p.s. I noticed the butt ball too – how cute J picked that up as well 🙂

  • Chantal March 21, 2009, 10:42 am

    I also this it is so cool that J is doing the photos for you. I see a future photographer in him.

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