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Workout Wednesday – Fit-in 15 Challenge

This week has been a mostly cardio week for me.  Not only have I been running, but I have been running around a lot it seems. Even if most of it has been in my backyard.  I got in three 3k walks and two 3k runs and only one strength training.  When the weather is this good it is really hard to stay inside to workout.  I think I will try to do some outside routines in this next week.

I was going to share with you the ‘Superman’, but I will save it for next week.

Andrea over at The Fishbowl has brought forward a challenge, complete with prizes.  And I am not one to back down from a challenge that is for sure.  The challenge is to add 15 minutes of focused activity into your day. Since I am already trying to fit in some extra activity into my day, I thought I would take this challenge to add something different that I normally wouldn’t do or wouldn’t consider activity.

Today, I did 15 minutes of focused activity running the circumference of my pool (while in the water).  This is my first Fit-in 15 activity.  We do this occasionally for fun, we run in a circle in the pool, which is 15′, to get a whirlpool effect going.  So , today I got in there and ran and ran and then I changed direction and did it again.  Changing direction is quite difficult because you get the water going pretty fast, then you have to run against the current until the current changes with you.

So, what are you going to do to add 15 minutes of focused activity to your day?

**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Exercise, Workout Wednesday

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  • Loukia June 18, 2009, 9:35 am

    I did lots of laps in my inlaw’s pool yesterday after work, and I even did the 30 shred last night! Day 3 is over, onto day 4 today!

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