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A New York Minute

I have been trying to think of a way to share and post all about my amazing trip to New York City and after many edits and corrections, I decided the best way to start would be with an iPhone visual. I have so many amazing images both from my iPhone and my Nikon and I just wasn’t sure how to start.
As much as I would have loved to title this post ‘BlogHer’12‘ that is not what my trip was all about. You see my girlfriends, Krista and Brie, and I decided we wanted to go on a little girls weekend away. It just so happened that we enjoy attending conferences together so we combined both a girls weekend and a conference all in one in New York City.  We made sure we attended events connected to BlogHer’12 but we also did things in New York City that we wanted to do, mostly for me because although I have been to New York twice in the last two years (prior to this visit) I really had not seen much of the city.  I wanted to be sure to see more than the conference location and Times Square and I do believe that we accomplished that and more. We arrived before the conference began and left after it was over, taking our own time to explore and discover. Our only sad part is that one of our traveling companions had to change her plans at the last minute, but she was with us in spirit and was definitely missed.

A HUGE thanks and shout out to Ford Canada for the Ford Flex that we drove down. Hubby and I are interested in changing up one of our cars, so having the opportunity to try out several different vehicles from Ford for more than just a test drive around the block is very helpful in our decision making.  I will admit straight out that when they offered me a Flex to drive into New York City I thought they were crazy! The Flex is very roomy and very long, so I was a tad bit worried we were going to get sideswiped by a local driver. Thankfully with a few smiles a wave of my hand and an Ontario tag on the vehicle most native New Yorkers jumped at the chance to get out of my way.  The Flex is an amazing vehicle and if I could get away from the exterior looks I am sure we would be driving one in a minute.  We had both the legroom that I need and the power to pass a semi that I love. The Ford Sync is an awesome tool, we had three different temperatures going at one time and with a touch of the hand we could pull up our maps or bluetooth music.  I think the only true complaint would be the lack of luggage room, it is truly not meant for you to bring large suitcases and extra shoes. The drivers seat was super comfy, so much so that I didn’t realize that my right ankle was swelling on our drive down, thus the photo of my feet below. I should also say that I drove home from New York City (7.5 hours) switched suitcases and jumped into a teeny car for a trip to Delaware (8.5 hours) all in the same day, since I was so comfortable in the Flex, I was able to turn around and drive without any trouble at all, my ride to Delaware was definitely not as smooth, thus the interest in changing up one of our cars.

iPhone capture of BlogHer'12 NYC

While in New York City, I had drinks with my good friends Jennifer and Laurel, attended a Tweetup with Kristie from Phoenix at the Roger Smith Hotel and saw Times Square both at night and during the day. I got to taste Magnolia Bakery, twice! See Grand Central Station, Shopped on Fifth Avenue, visited the New York Public Library, attended a party with amazing Canadians on a rooftop in SOHO thanks to Mom Central Canada, dreamed of a dress from Anthroplogie, had my nails done at the Four Seasons, ran in to my good friend and neighbour from home Allison (ok, we may have danced our pants off). Attended an amazing luncheon at Ruth’s Chris with Glamorous Moms. Saw Martha Stewart and Katie Couric in person and watch President Obama address attendees Live.  I learned a few new things at the sessions I attended and had a drill sergeant make me work hard like I was in the Army. Thanks to Pepsi we had dinner at the Rock Cafe in Rockerfeller Center and thanks to StumbleUpon I saw St.Patrick’s Cathedral and learned how to navigate North and South in NYC.

Thank you to One2One Network and The Moms for inviting me to the Premiere of “Won’t Back Down” where the stars of the movie, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rosie Perez and Viola Davis arrived after the movie to talk about it and answer so many questions. I have so much to say about this amazing movie that it deserves a post of it’s own for sure. When it opens on September 28th you should all be in line for tickets. Make it a girls night out and bring lots of tissue. These amazing actresses show you how important it is to finish something you start and to not back down, no matter how many people tell you no when it is something you truly believe in. Based on true events you can only imagine parents and teachers needed to band together to fight for their children.


I am sure I am missing so much, but really I could go on and on about the amazing six days I spent in New York. I ran into great friends and acquaintances and I got to drive in New York City, again! I look forward to my next visit and perhaps the next time I will have the chance to see a Broadway show or Late Night with David Letterman, I imagine I will need a few weeks to see the whole thing, so best not do it all at once.

A special thank you to Krista, Brie, Megan and Carla without you my trip would not have been the same.

It is amazing what people will do for just a smile and some kind words.

Categories: Blogher, Road Trip