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BlogHer and #NoMoreBullies

Syndicated on BlogHer.com

I’ve been syndicated!

Yesterday I wrote a post #NoMoreBullies. BlogHer picked it up in syndication so that we can spread the word about bullies. I feel very blessed that anyone even read my post. My voice at Life is Good …At the Beach has been quiet lately and I was just telling a friend of mine that I hadn’t posted in so long  I felt like I  needed to make it count. I needed to say something that was important to me. #NoMoreBullies is so important to me I lead off with it.  I have a few more related posts in the hopper, but for today, please head over an read yesterday’s post on the BlogHer network.

We need to take a stand and let everyone know that it is not ok to be bullied. It is not ok to be a bully. If my post can reach one person and get them to change, then I am a happy girl. If we all took a moment to talk to children about being bullies, or shared a story from our past about being bullied with others, it is possible to change how kids behave now. It is happening each and every day. I don’t want to have to teach my children how to rise above bullying  but I have to. At the same time my children know that I won’t tolerate bullying from them. They know that others can be hurtful but they also know it is not because of them, it is that other person who is hurting and using words or actions to express their hurt. The bullies are trying to bring you down to lift themselves up, they could be insecure, jealous, ignored. They could be bullied at home by other siblings or their parents. Whatever their reason for being a bully, we need to help it stop and let them know it will no longer be tolerated. Take the time, talk to your children, friends and other parents, spread the word. #NoMoreBullies

I received payment for this post and I can’t see a better way to pay it forward than to donate the money I was paid, along with a matching donation from my own company to Youth Net they are helping Majic 100 with the #NoMoreBullies campaign.

Categories: #NoMoreBullies