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Saying Good-bye to Summer

Today was the most perfect way to say good-bye to summer for another year.  What started out as a cool Fall morning, turned sunny and warm by noon.  And after lunch and naps (yes, naps, not just Apple) we set out to Mountain Orchards.  We normally go to Jockvale Orchard close to home and pick a basket of apples, but we decided to go further out this year.  And when the flyer for Mountain Orchards landed in our mail box two weeks ago, we were set.

The flyer boasted wagon rides, hay bales to jump in, a corn maze and plenty of place to picnic.  I do not think that they were prepared for the power of the flyer.  We had set our minds to go somewhere else, East of the city, but changed our minds quickly at the proximity of Mountain.

We even had to take two cars because Big Brother A came with us. Sorry we don’t have a mini van folks, but it was well worth the extra gas and inconvenience of two cars to see the joy on J’s face having his Big Brother with him.  Opa was thrilled as well.  This has to be our first outing, other than a restaurant, in over a year.

We were all hot, all except for Hubby who wore shorts, and happy to pluck apples from the trees.  We got lost in the corn maze and J found the way out.  Apple was happy as a, well an apple until the very end, but I am sure she was hot with her fleece on.  We didn’t want to take her out of the carrier to take her fleece off for fear of not getting her back in.

All in all the most perfect way to spend the last day of summer.  And because the line up for fresh apple pies was so long, we stopped at Farm Boy to pick up one of theirs to celebrate the day.  I will be sure to make a crisp with the ones we got today, but I need to find a store with brown sugar, everybody is sold out. What is with the shortage of brown sugar?

I hope you all found a fabulous way to enjoy this last day of summer and if you get a chance and you live in the Ottawa area, be sure to stop by Mountain Orchard with the family, you won’t be disappointed.

Categories: Family, Happiness, Summer

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  • Kim September 21, 2008, 10:02 pm

    That looks like a great way to spend a day with the family!

  • Little Mommy September 21, 2008, 10:31 pm

    It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I think we might try a pumpkin patch this year again. Last year wasn’t so great because we went too late in the season and the pumpkins had all been harvested already. We really wanted to go when they were actually still in the pumpkin batch so I think this weekend we will do that.

  • Chantal September 22, 2008, 12:21 pm

    that sounds very nice. I have never been to that orchard. What are their coordinates?

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