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Workout Wednesday

 This photo has nothing to do with working out, but since I love Apple and I love putting photos in it stays and it matches my mood.

I missed posting last week due to the EMOttawa Launch, which was so great.  But, a week later and I feel like I am crashing.  I have been on a good exercise kick lately.  I have been walking 3k 4 out of 7 mornings, swimming on Fridays with Apple (yes it is still exercise to keep your child above water and drag her all around the pool)  and I have been running 5k twice a week.  I am doing pretty good.

I have also been back on track with my good eating habits, cutting back on excess carbs, adding in extra protein, vegetables and fruit.

So why the crash?  Well, everything that is up sometimes comes down.  And today that is me.  I have been riding a good high for a couple of weeks, good food, good exercise, good business, meeting new people but, today that came crashing down.  I felt a little blind sided but, these things happen and when they do we just have to pick ourselves up again and keep on going.  So for today I am managing a crash, a little extra carbs and no running for me tonight.  And tomorrow when the sun comes up, it will be a new day with new direction and hopefully I will be on the upside of the crash. If nothing else I hope to lace on my running shoes and run through some of this crash that I am experiencing.

We all have them, but the key is to get up from the crash and keep on going.

Categories: Workout Wednesday

Before I get into my P90X review, I want to log what I have been up to this week. I managed two 5k runs this week and have been adding some mild strength stretches into my day.  Since most of my work consists of sitting at a computer, I have been trying to stop and get up and do some reps in between editing photos.  I have added some planks back in, side stretches and squats.

I am definitely moving slower into my workouts than usual, but since I had been plagued with injuries in December I want to ease in slowly so that I can keep going. This week I will add some more core work into my routine and try to do one more 5k.  After this week, I am going to try to increase my distance.  I haven’t knowingly run past 5k in a very long time and looking at the numbers on the treadmill somehow make me feel like I should stop at 5k so it will be a mind over matter thing to push past and go forward for the 10k.

I thought I would start off my reviews with one that I did last year.


photo: from beachbody P90X website.

 Last summer, my Sister lent me her P90X to try out.  And all I can say is that it kicked my butt.  P90X is awesome, but truly not for the faint at heart or health.  This workout system is an amazingly intense full body program.  There are 12 different workouts that you mix and match to achieve how you want to look.  You are given calendars to follow, eating advice and bonus workouts to up the intensity.

I chose to do the “Lean” workouts because I was trying to slim down and don’t like it when I bulk up.  I lasted two weeks. Each workout is almost an hour long and I just did not have that much time every night to devote to working out and passing out. Lame excuse? Perhaps, but its the truth.  With Apple not even two, I had to workout during her naptime or in the evening (which ended up being the time of choice most of that two weeks) and by the time I was finished, I was truly finished for the night.  I should have pursued the third week, but just couldn’t do it.

For the program, you don’t need any extra equipment, just yourself, some hand weights and possibly a mat.  If you are getting into some of the higher intensity buff workouts you might want a chin up bar, but you can do without.  Each exercise is shown by at least three people doing it in different intensities, I tried to always take the middle of the road, but sometimes took the easier route because it really is hard. Each workout moves you through some stretching, warming up, cardio, strength moves and cool down.  There is a bit of yoga type moves, kick boxing moves and basic training type moves.  If you don’t like your workout one day, it will be different the next.

After I was finished with it, and truly I was finished, Hubby decided to give it a try.  He did great and I can say he benefitted the most from it in our house.  He did it for at least a month, every day and then switched up some of the workouts with other ones.  He slimed down and lost the extra weight he was trying to lose and yes, has managed to keep it off with running.

As for my Sister, she lasted much longer than either of us, as a matter of fact, I think she is still going with it.  Not every day, but several times a week.  She is lean and strong and doesn’t have children so can spare an hour a day plus recouperation time. Would I recommend this to you?  Absolutely, if you have the time.  It will hurt at first, but after a few days the pain subsides and you just start to feel good.  If I had more time I would continue with it, but it just means I wouldn’t have enough time to work on my photos, perhaps I will do it again when Apple is a bit older and can amuse herself or join in with Mommy while I am working out.

**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Workout Wednesday

It’s Winter.  That is all that needs to be said about why the treadmill is my tool of choice this week.  I managed three 5k runs this week and a whole lot of stretching.  I was hoping to start one of my programs to review, but the worst case yet of tendonitis in my left wrist left me not only in a lot of pain, but unable to use my wrist for any sort of anything.  Instead I focused on adding in some stretching to my day.  I am doing stretches, mostly side reaches and touching my toes (you laugh but, getting back flexibility is tough) when I get up in the morning and before bed.  And any time I remember in between.

Apple is a jumper, she jumps her day away.  When she gets going we all try to join her.  Jumping up and down our halway on the way to feed the dog or take out the recycling is a fun way to add more movement into our day.

In addition to getting more exercise we are back to our healthy choices eating.  Gone are the cookies and candies and back are the apples, carrots and water.  Inspired by A Crafty Mom’s post on Whole Body Action Plan I have also cut way back on any snacks and replaced them with a small glass (250ml) of juice.  These are organic blended juices that are quite rich but contain anti-oxidants and vitamins and minerals only found in fruits and veggies that I rarely eat.  After a week, well really four days because although I started exercising last week, the junk food reigned supreme last weekend, I feel better. A little more energetic and getting better sleep.  Here’s hoping this is the beginning of an ongoing trend.

**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Workout Wednesday