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 And all this H1N1 stuff just fits in with that soliloquy.  Do you or don’t you get the shot.  There are pros and cons to both and for the most part we were waiting.  We have discussed with our Doctor and were going to wait.

Hubby is in Vancouver this week and when we were chatting on the phone last night he asked how J was doing with his fear of H1N1.  I told him it was pretty much the same, he cries when the news comes on, he cried on Monday when I was feeling like I was hit by a truck, basically the boy is living in fear of dying from the flu.  So when Dani sent an email out last night and told some of us that her whole family got the shot yesterday and that it was quite a painless process at Walter Baker Hubby asked me to go.

We are usually on the same page when it comes to parenting and shots and when we aren’t Hubby usually lets me decide.  But, this time he asked. You know when your Husband does one of those rare things and asks you to do something that you are not sure about, it almost solidifies it in your mind.  As much as I am still not 100% on board with this vaccine I now feel like the decision was taken out of my hands.  Hubby works with Emergency and Pandemic preparedness in Ottawa, he worked at the Hospital when SARS happened and all through this he never thought we needed to do anything different or get any shots.  We don’t even get the annual flu shot now that he is no longer at the Hospital.  So when he asked me to take the kids and get our shots today, I was not going to argue.  In his mind, this H1N1  thing is bigger than what we know.  I am not sure if I agree yet, but if he thinks so then who am I to say?

We picked up our bracelets at 9am this morning and were told to come back at 4:15pm.  Will see how the afternoon plays out, but it sure seems like who ever is running things at Walter Baker, knows exactly what they are doing and should possibly be running all of the clinics in the city.

*William Shakespeare.  Hamlet, Act Three Scene One.

Categories: Misc., Randomness, Sickies, Uncategorized

My Sick Little Boy

It is bad enough to get sick.  But, to get sick and not only miss the last few days of school.  He missed his class Christmas party for which I made Rudolf cupcakes that he requested.  It has been a hard few days.

He has been a real trooper though.  Yesterday wasn’t too bad.  But, today his fever came back, stronger and his voice was almost completely gone.  He laid about watching movies and tv.  For a while I thought he was getting better becasue he asked if he could play Wii.  Thankfully I said no, that would have wiped him out completely.

Hubby is thinking J has the flu, I am still thinking it is just a really bad cold.  Up until last year he always got a fever with a cold, will see what tomorrow brings.  If he seems worse instead of better, then we may head to the Doctor.

I bought three bags (ok, I bought one and Hubby picked up two more) to try to get 48 brown Smarties.  I still ran out and had to make Rudolf have blue eyes. And one with one blue eye and one brown one,  just like Mickey (our dog).  Hubby doesn’t mind a few extra Smarites though.

 I did keep one for J.  He didn’t seem to want to eat it though, poor guy.

Categories: Christmas, Food, Kids, Sickies


I did it, I flunked out. But, for good reason. Although I would have rather not. You see, yesterday both Hubby and I came down with the Norwalk Virus. The one where you hug the porcelain bowl for about 12 hours intermittently with getting your butt down fast. Yep, that one. Last time I had it I was pregnant with J.

Not having another person to take care of makes being sick very easy. Having two kids to take care of and both of us get sick with in minutes of each other (4am Sunday night) meant I had to put in an emergency call to Mom. And she came to the rescue. Thank goodness.

Not only did she take care of Apple and J, but she cleaned and did laundry while making sure Hubby and I had lots of fluid and whatever else we needed. It was the longest day, ever.

Having my Mom so close by and able to come and help out made me realize how fortunate I really am. I was sad for my older Sister in Regina yesterday, as she had been sick too, but did not have Mom around the corner to help out. There is no way I would have made it through yesterday without her.

Thanks Mom, again for coming to the rescue.

Categories: Sickies