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Toothless Harry

It is here on the eve of the first day of school and wee Apple’s first birthday that I get to post a photo of my J with a missing tooth.  His tooth had been wiggly for a while and when he woke up on Saturday morning he said, “My tooth has gone crazy!”.  It was sticking straight out.  About an hour later after he played with it for a while it gently fell out into his hands.  I for one was very happy the way this played out because I have memories of tying a string to a tooth and slamming the door and blood pouring out of my mouth for hours.  But, not for J.  He put it in a container and waited until bedtime for the Tooth Fairy.  And is now waiting for it to rain.

Hubby and I told him since he just got a lot of fun stuff for his birthday to put his money away for a rainy day.  Every morning this past week he has woken up and said, “Oh Man, it’s sunny again”.  So if it rains tomorrow, I see a trip to the toy store for us.

This past Labour Day weekend was the perfect way to round off our summer.  We had beautiful, no gorgeous sunny and hot weather, something that was lacking for a good part of the summer.  We cleaned up the pool and went in instead of our usual shutting it down for the summer.  We lazed around and had a dinner party for my Mom’s birthday and attended the annual street party, meeting our two new neighbours one directly beside us (with a boy the same age as J) and another directly across from us.  We are thrilled with them both as we have not had the best luck with neighbours in the past but it would appear that our turn has finally come.  All in all it was the best way to say good-bye yet again to summer.

Tonight, J is anxiously awaiting his first day of school.  And although  I just found out that I had thought he had had a different teacher than he does, I decided to let it go even though I do not like the one he is getting.  She is pretty close to retirement and I don’t exactly enjoy the way she talks to the kids.  All the more reason to volunteer this year and keep a close eye on her.  That and the fact that J’s best friend is in another class was a little tough but, it might be good for them to be apart for a bit at school, it will make it all the more fun when they play outside of school.

And little Miss Apple.  Well, it is hard to believe that a year ago,  I was not convinced she was going to arrive at all and the next day was as asking you all for prayers that she would be born soon.  Here we are loving every minute of her being with us.  J has adapted to his big brother roll well and she is not giving him a break.  She is walking, running and climbing.  Her words are coming in along with her teeth.  She surprises us every day and we are so thankful that she was given to us.  I am sure I will have some fun photos to share of her first birthday as well as some first day of school ones, tomorrow.

Categories: Baby, Birthdays, Family, Kids, School, Uncategorized

Ahh Redemption

I WAS NOT LATE! Not today and not last week.

Apparently they let the kids out early. As a rule. As much as 8 minutes.

Today I was the first Mom to arrive, and J was the first child allowed to go to his Mom. He still wasn’t thrilled about being there, but he seems alright and I think I made up for things because I was there on time today.

Phew. It wasn’t me.
Categories: School

Will Not Be Late.

We dropped J off at school again this morning, for the first official day for the rest of his life. From now on he goes every. single. day.

Last night he was really sad, he said he was nervous because there was going to be lots of other kids at school today. I reminded him that there were more kids in Duffer Doo than there would be in his class today. It didn’t matter, he was nervous. In all there were 17 kids today, only 7 of them boys. I got to meet two of the Moms (hooray for me, I met some other Moms!! I never do that) who were as concerned for their sons that there were less boys than girls. J pointed that out last week that there weren’t enough boys to hang around with. Hopefully today he will meet a few more.

Again, J would not leave us at the fence. It will take him some time to get over being left inside the gate. Hubby thinks we should just drop him tomorrow and leave, but after seeing the tears well up in his eyes as the kid beside him was bawling, I know that he is not quite ready. Maybe by next week he will be. I think he will have to get to know a few more of the kids before he will be ready to just be dropped off. As long as he isn’t still doing this when the weather is cold and snowy all will be good.

I set the alarm on my stove. I will not be late. Tempt me all you want clocks on the tv, but I will be on time. I may even head out extra early to go for a little walk. A walk you say? Yes, I am feeling better this week for sure and would like to get my land legs back. I still feel like I am on a boat when I walk, kind of like sea legs. So, actually walking a little farther might be good for them.

I will not be late.

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Categories: School