The first day of school started off with a bang. J was up early and ready to roll. See how happy he is here?
When he got out of school he was cranky and tired. We got home and he was going on about being hot and feeling sick. After his third complaint I finally got the thermometer out to calm him down. Well, he had a fever. Not a high one but a little one none the less. A little Tylenol and a some water and juice and he was right as rain, ready for bed.
I really don’t want him to miss his second day of school, but we will have to see how things play out tonight. I usually like to wait 24 hours before sending him to school again after a fever. I hope it was just a bug from today and that he will be his old self in the morning.
The last month has just flown by and I have so many stories to share. But, the biggest thing occupying my mind right now is the fact that J is going back to school. And not just wimpy half day Kindergarten where they get to play and play and play some more. This is the real deal.
Tonight marked a milestone for me, I made J’s first lunch for school. I am sure there is way too much in his lunch box, but I would be just devastated if he were at all hungry during the day. Our school is part of the balanced school day program. Instead of two recesses with snack and one lunch break they have two longer nutrition breaks. One around 10am and the other around 1pm. So J has basically two lunches. I tried to cover all the food groups in addition I baked his favourite oatmeal cookies, a little love from Mama.
Tomorrow morning will mark milestones for both J and I. He will be gone all day long, learning from somebody else. A big deal for both of us and poor little Apple, what is she going to do without her brother all day long? I am guessing that tomorrow will be a long, long day.
Today is full of firsts!! And first of all, I am sure you were all wondering when I wrote about J’s birthday party how I could talk just so little about it. Well, that is because I had written a long and detailed post for Secret Agent Josephine as a Guest Post. This is the first time I have written as a Guest and I can’t tell you how many times since I sent it off to her that I wanted to rewrite it and do it over again, but I stayed my course. When I write here on my blog, I write what comes to mind straight from the heart. And I did the same when I wrote for her, so it would not have been the same had I rewritten it a few times. So, be sure to head over and get all the details of the day we had!
Today was J’s first day of school. I made him wear his ‘nice’ shorts and a golf shirt, so I got a little grief over the not as comfy as his usual shorts, but by the time I offered to trade off the shorts for pants he was a happy camper and ready to go. The sun was shining when we left (yay, no toy shopping!) and it was already feeling hot. I could tell that he was very excited and although he met his teacher briefly, he was more excited to go and play with his friends on the play structure. Exactly what I wanted to see for the first day. When I picked him up he told me that he liked his classroom more than our house and that his teacher was ‘Awesome’. I think it is safe to say, at least for now, that all is well in the world of Senior Kindergarten.
And last of all the firsts, but certainly not the least was Apple’s Birthday! A very low key day, I didn’t even have time to make my own cupcakes, but we did buy some so she could have a taste of the good stuff. She went straight for the cake, which is a good thing because J only eats the icing, so now we can let them share a piece. We are planning a family celebration this weekend so hopefully down the road she won’t feel like she was jilted out of a first birthday party. She definitely was an Angel today, missed her brother while he was at school and played with him and his friend after school. All in all a wonderful day of Firsts.
p.s… Can I admit that I cannot believe that she is a year old!!!! I just don’t know where the year has gone, it is unbelievable that is for sure.