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This week I have been following Ryan Detzel, a blogger while he is visiting children in Kenya, through the Compassion project.  I weep daily for the conditions these children live in and what they have to endure.  Today, I shared with J some of the photos.  My intention was not to make him sad but, to remind him to be thankful for everything we have.

My poor little boy wept and wept and wept some more.  He just couldn’t understand how they didn’t have proper houses or running water or food!  Let alone the fact that they didn’t have any toys. But, how I made him stop crying was by sharing with him how happy these children were and how they are happy because they don’t know the difference.  Of course J asked if some of them could come and live with us and I had to explain again that they had family there or they didn’t want to leave their Country and come to a strange place.  He seemed ok with that, but knows now that he is very blessed with all we have.  I hope to keep sharing with him that others aren’t as fortunate so that he can appreciate everything from water to a warm bed.

While I was bawling my eyes out for these children in Kenya, I heard the sad news that Layla Grace passed away today.  This little girl has been in my heart and mind for a few weeks as she is just a month and a half younger than Apple.  My heart goes out to her parents and sibling who are now without their sweet little girl.

Thinking of Layla reminded me of this photo of Apple at three days old, she is so fresh and new and even though she is full of fire now, I remember taking this photo like it was yesterday. I hugged my children a little closer at bedtime tonight.

Categories: Prayers

Beverly Sunday

Beverly (on the Right) pictured here with J’lene Bradley (left) and Dawn Maracle (center) at the EM Ottawa Launch.

At the EM Ottawa Launch in January, I met Beverly Sunday.  A gorgeous, charismatic woman who is working towards opening an Aboriginal Dance and Fitness studio, HAWK,  in Hintonburg in April.  Although I was walking around trying to get photos of each member, I was also drawn to Beverly with her sunny smile and enthusiasm.

Yesterday, through Twitter, I found out that Beverly and her husband, Joseph, were in terrible car accident on Friday, February 19th.  They are both still in the hospital with head injuries, collapsed lung and broken bones.  Beverly had just been to the Olympics dancing at the opening ceremonies and now she is fighting for her life.   Please include Beverly and Joseph in your Prayers, she is Mom to three children and I just can’t bare the thought of them growing up without their Mom or Dad.

We are thinking of you Beverly.

Categories: EMOttawa, Kindness, Prayers