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New Year’s

Saying Good-bye to 2009

 I have spent a lot of time this holiday sitting in this chair.  It is my favorite spot this year.  I love how the lights sparkle off of the decorations.  And from this spot I can see my whole living room with the tree, the toys and even a bit of the outside neighborhood with their houses decorated and glowing in the warmth of the season.

Today, I have been trying to think of how best to say good-bye to 2009, but nothing is coming to me.  So, instead I will just write a little post thinking of the things that have happened this year.

In some ways it wasn’t the best year, but in others it was a great year.  I said good-bye to an old Friend and a beloved Uncle.  We missed out on our annual trip to Regina due to changes in the economy and school. But, were blessed with a surprise trip East from the Regina contingent. We made it on our annual trip to the Beach  and still felt like it wasn’t long enough. Our annual trip next year is hoping to be a little longer.

We had a wonderful week with our Cousins from the South in Ottawa and were thankful that we were able to attend a 50th Wedding Anniversary of our Aunt and Uncle. We were blessed with a trip to California to meet friends that I only ever dreamed of meeting.  And a little visit to Disney was just icing on the cake.

I finally took the chance and started my long dreamed of photography business, it has been a good year for making dreams come true. I am thankful for all the families, Moms-to-be and new babies I got to capture.  I am also thankful for being chosen to document some wonderful weddings and beautiful women. Without all of you, my dreams would still be just that, dreams.

I hope that 2010 brings me closer to some of the friends I have made and been reacquainted with in 2009.  My hope is that it brings happiness and joy to all my friends and family.  And that we are all blessed in the Year to come.  And a thank you to all my readers, you have all been there for me and I wish you all the best that 2010 has to offer.  I will be celebrating my 5th Anniversary of blogging next year, it’s been a wild ride and oddly enough I have now been blogging longer than I was in High School.

Until 2010,


Categories: About Me, New Year's


The last day of 2008 is here.  And I, for one, am looking forward to moving on out of this year.  Although it has not been the worst year, it has definitely been one of them.

Here at home, things have been pretty good.  J has grown from my little boy into a little man.  He started swimming this year and played soccer and has met new friends.  And Apple, well, she reaches new heights every single day.  She started to walk and is talking a little now, incredible what a year can bring.

The loss of our beloved Cosmo this year, really struck home.  Poor Mickey isn’t the same and still sits by the front window waiting for him to come home.  I went to see Marley and Me with my Sisters and was thrilled to know that they chose Jennifer Aniston to play me in the movie.  Yes, I know I didn’t write the book, but I could have.  Our life with Cosmo right down to the end was so similar that I left the theatre in buckets full of tears.  I didn’t really know that was how the movie was going, but it sure brought back a lot of memories.

It is what has occurred outside our home that has left me feeling blue.  Two of my girlfriends found out they had Breast Cancer.  Both are doing well, but have gone through something I hope to never, ever experience.  My beloved Uncle passed away, leaving us all with many questions and a greater appreciation of the Man he truly was.  One of my girlfriends lost her birth father.  One of Hubby’s best friends seven year relationship broke up in what seemed like overnight.  And I know there is more, sick in-laws for friends and sick family members.  This year just seemed terrible for that.  At one point this past summer, I wasn’t blogging or checking blogs or email often because I was afraid to hear or see what was coming next.  Now that this is past us it is time to move forward.

Moving forward does have one glitch though.  My own Father is having a little heart trouble.  He seems to be doing well right now, but we don’t know yet what the New Year will have in store for him.  He is 71 years young and up until a few weeks ago has been working steady and not a sit in your office typing on the computer type of work. But, physical labour that a house painter does.  He loves his work, he loves seeing the transformation of old paint to new paint.  It has been his life’s work to freshen up a home.   But, the Doctor told him yesterday, he has to stop.  At least until they know exactly why his heart is misfiring or fluttering or whatever exactly it is doing.  It may mean some sort of pacemaker or just a change in diet with a few meds.  At this point though, it looks like he will be able to fully recover.  If only we can keep him from working.

So it is with this image of my favorite beach in the wee hours of the morning, that I reflect back on the year.  Some good, some bad and some in between.  I pray that 2009 is a year of laughter, joy, prosperity and very little of the sadness we have endured from 2008.

I wish you all a wonderful New Year.

Categories: New Year's

“Another Year Over…

..and a New One Just Begun.” (John Lennon – can’t think of the name of the song).

As I sit here on New Years Eve, trying to catch up on my blogging. I look back on this past year and realize it was a pretty great one.

After two years of dreaming of another baby, Apple made her appearance and has been a joy for pretty much ever minute she has been here (I can’t totally erase her screaming in the car that is pretty much over at this point).

J has grown up and started school. Which he loves and can’t wait to get back to. He learned to skate and swim this past year and has also started gymnastics. He is a regular athlete and I hope we can continue to encourage him.

Hubby continues to be a great Husband and surprises and amazes me often. He is talented and gifted and I don’t talk of him often enough but, he is the rock in our family and to him I am grateful and love him more everyday.

My family was together again for the holidays. Every year with each additional child, it truly amazes me that we can still get together. Next year won’t be much different as my eldest Sister is adding another baby this May (not sure if I mentioned this, as natural pregnancies amongst my Sisters still hurts, but alas it is true another boy will be added to the clan). And Opa was here for Christmas which has been wonderful in itself. Poor J will be shocked in a few days when it is just Apple and I at his disposal.

My youngest Sister headed back Stateside yesterday and not without adventure. Her connection in Chicago was cancelled, so she was put up for the night and given some meal vouchers. Only to arrive for her flight this morning which was overbooked. Being single and not in a rush she accepted the ‘first class’ tickets home tonight as well as a round trip ‘first class’ voucher anywhere in the continental US. And additional meal vouchers. Essentially she got three flights for the price of one as she received a voucher on her way here when her flight was delayed and missed her connection and now on her way home. I tell you, you don’t get that kind of service from Canadian Airlines.

My eldest Sister heads home tomorrow to Regina. We had a wonderful visit which included our first ever real sleepover here. It was a total blast and J can’t wait to have more of them in the future.

And Opa is here until Thursday. Which will round up the visiting and leave our house very quiet. I have about a months worth of cleaning, sorting and organizing so January won’t be too boring.

Gah! My quick New Years post turned into a novel. Not the first time that has happened so let me wrap this up.

Wishing all my wonderful readers a fabulous New Year. I look forward to the excitement 2008 brings as much as I look forward to getting back to my regular blog reading. It has been hard for me not to pick up my computer at every spare moment, but I just have had too much on the go.

Categories: New Year's