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I would like to introduce you all to a good friend of mine. Her name is Pam. She has no idea that I am writing this post about her and that it leads to a special nomination. Pam and I are ‘In Real Life’ friends. We met about four years ago when our children were in Kindergarten, her youngest and my eldest.  I met her at a time when I could barely see straight, you see Apple was born on J’s first official day of school, so his first year is nothing more than a blur to me since Apple was much more work than her brother and somehow still is. She is much more demanding and vocal about everything. Some days I am just plain exhausted from all the talking.

Enter into this blur a special ray of sunshine that is Pam. Pam is mother of two, her daughter has been in J’s class for the last couple of years so we meet most days at the end of the school day and chat. Or maybe I should say I chat, Pam listens and offers amazing words of wisdom. Sometimes just talking to an adult can make all the difference in my day. I spend a lot of time working at home with Apple not far from me for half the day. By the time 3pm rolls around, I am finished work and thankful that the end of the day has come.

With the thought of this post in the back of my mind, I have spent a little extra care watching Pam. Pam is the Mom who gives her all to her children. The minute they exit their classrooms, Pam gives them her attention 100%. Questions about their day at school, time with their friends what they are going to do that evening. No matter what, Pam has loving words and lots of hugs for her children.  Pam also a frequent volunteer at the school, spending time in the classroom with her children and supporting the teaching staff. She also brings her children to Scouts and Girl Guides which means that she sometimes participates in weekend excursions camping and whatnot.

With all of this going on Pam still has time to listen to tales of woe from the rest of us (ok, me) and offer sound advice or just talk us down off that ledge. But the truth of the matter is that Pam deserves so much more than my thanks for her words of wisdom, she deserves to be recognized for all she does and more because even though it sounds like she is like the rest of us she is clearly not. You see Pam’s eldest son has autism, so he requires a little extra effort from his parents and teachers and others around him. He is lovely and does very well at school, but there is a little more that his Mom has to give to keep everything running smoothly. And she does it with so much Grace that you forget what she goes through each day. Forget that things aren’t always smooth sailing for her, and yet she smiles and listens and even does extraordinarily amazing things, like bring you fresh strawberries she picked because you are missing strawberry season or go out to hear her friends speak at a local blogging event (see photo above).

If there is anyone who deserves to be recognized as Walmart’s Mom of the Year it would be Pam. So with this post I am nominating Pam to win Walmart’s Mom of the Year award as she is so deserving in everything that she does for her children and those of us that know her.

You too can nominate someone you think should be recognized as Mom of the Year, just go to Walmart’s Mom of the Year site and enter your nomination there.

Disclosure: I’m part of the Walmart program by Mom Central. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own. Mom of the Year Award: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY Internet access and valid email account required. Nominations open May 10, 2012 to July 8, 2012 for legal residents of Canada over the age of majority.  Entrants cannot nominate themselves. One (1) grand prize available to be won consisting of $10,000 cash, a $100,000 donation by Wal-mart Canada Corp. to charity/cause and a trip to Toronto (ARV $22,000). Seven (7) runner-up prizes available to be won consisting of $10,000 cash, a $10,000 donation to charity/cause and a trip to Toronto (ARV $22,000).  Charity/cause subject to verification and final approval by Wal-mart Canada Corp., at its sole discretion. Odds of winning depend on how the judging panel evaluates each entry according to the criteria. For Official Contest Rules and to nominate an entrant, visit [www.momoftheyear.ca].

Categories: Motherhood

Not My Story

 I lie in bed awake.  It is midnight, two hours after I turned out the light and promised myself a good nights sleep.  But every time I close my eyes, sleep does not come.  Instead I hear the sounds of metal on metal, a loud sound like an explosion. Screeching tires and then finally nothing.

As I lie there hearing nothing, I am also hearing everything.  I hear the sirens.  I hear the shouts to call 911.  I hear the panic in the voices all around me I hear it.  But really, I hear nothing.

The minutes tick on and as I lay there panicking I know that something is wrong.  He should be home now.  He has class in the morning. Still, I lie there in silence.  Waiting for sleep to come.

I finally fall asleep, surrounded by silence. Panic has left for the night, I realize I must be dreaming, he is fine, just out with his friends.

Then, the doorbell rings.  It is early, we are confused.  Who could be ringing the doorbell at such an hour. They will wake the children.  We creep down the stairs, as if not to be heard. There is someone at the door, but who could it be?

It is then that we realize a parents worst fear.  The police officer at the door is there to tell us that our son will not be coming home tonight. Not tonight, not tomorrow night, not ever again.  You see he did not make it home and those sounds in the night that I heard? I didn’t hear, I only feared I would hear them but, they were true.

And as I sit in the sunshine I remember him, what he was like as a boy, a teenager, a young man.  Almost his time to graduate College. Almost.  He will forever be that young man waiting to graduate, waiting for his new job, waiting for his first love.  Years have passed and life has gone on.  I can smile now. But sometimes when I turn out the light at night, I lie there awake and wait in silence, for the turn of the key in the lock so I can go back to sleep knowing he is home safe with us.

Categories: Kindness, Memory Lane, Motherhood

Yesterday Premier McGuinty announced his plans for All Day Kindergarten and today Dani wrote an excellent post in support and praise of it.  I think Dani brought up some really wonderful points about why sending children to Kindergarten all day as opposed to half day is a good thing.  I, however, want to play the other side of the field.

When the Premier first started talking about this last year, I was not in favour of it and hoped that it would not come to fruition.  I am one who feels that our children already spend way too many years in school and that these early formative years would be better spent at home with their family.

I should also remind my readers that I am a Stay at Home Mom, by choice and by sacrifice.  Hubby and I decided before J was even born that we were going to try to do it.  It would not have mattered which one of us stayed home, but since Hubby made more money than I did and really loves what he does, it was decided that I would stay at home.  In the last six years that I have not been out in the field working I have had to bring work in on occasion to make ends meet and would do it again if the need should arise.  My current venture into Photography, is one of passion and desire and at this point does not pay the bills, but hopefully one day will.

From listening to Premier McGuinty on television it was pretty clear to me that his intentions for all day Kindergarten is to supplement childcare.  Having the schools offer before and after care means that the children could be at school as early as 7:30 in the morning and as late as 6:00pm, that is a long time to be in one place.   I understand that there is a need for childcare, but do we really want the Government running daycare?  Do we really want to give them that much say in how our children are being raised?

I guess I just don’t feel that a four year old, who possibly still needs a nap, should be at school all day long.  I see the teachers twice a day, five days a week.  I know that they will not be thrilled to have the same four and five year olds in their class all day long.  It is very difficult to teach 20 four year olds for half a day, let alone a whole one.  And with more children in classes that need extra attention, I can certainly see some of the teachers changing to higher grades.

I am putting my thoughts out there and would love to hear what you think about it, whether you strongly agree or disagree.  Each Province is different for Kindergarten so it would be interesting to see what others think who either already have their children in all day Kindergarten or if you live in Quebec or Saskatchewan where there is still only 5yr old Kindergarten, how did or does that work for your child?  For those of you in Manitoba or Northern Ontario where school is a full day for two or three days per week, did you enjoy this for your children?

I would love to hear from all of you on this as it is a subject dear to my heart.  I cannot believe that my little girl will have to leave me for an entire day in just over two years, it just doesn’t seem right.

Categories: Misc., Motherhood, Politics