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Memory Lane

Not My Story

 I lie in bed awake.  It is midnight, two hours after I turned out the light and promised myself a good nights sleep.  But every time I close my eyes, sleep does not come.  Instead I hear the sounds of metal on metal, a loud sound like an explosion. Screeching tires and then finally nothing.

As I lie there hearing nothing, I am also hearing everything.  I hear the sirens.  I hear the shouts to call 911.  I hear the panic in the voices all around me I hear it.  But really, I hear nothing.

The minutes tick on and as I lay there panicking I know that something is wrong.  He should be home now.  He has class in the morning. Still, I lie there in silence.  Waiting for sleep to come.

I finally fall asleep, surrounded by silence. Panic has left for the night, I realize I must be dreaming, he is fine, just out with his friends.

Then, the doorbell rings.  It is early, we are confused.  Who could be ringing the doorbell at such an hour. They will wake the children.  We creep down the stairs, as if not to be heard. There is someone at the door, but who could it be?

It is then that we realize a parents worst fear.  The police officer at the door is there to tell us that our son will not be coming home tonight. Not tonight, not tomorrow night, not ever again.  You see he did not make it home and those sounds in the night that I heard? I didn’t hear, I only feared I would hear them but, they were true.

And as I sit in the sunshine I remember him, what he was like as a boy, a teenager, a young man.  Almost his time to graduate College. Almost.  He will forever be that young man waiting to graduate, waiting for his new job, waiting for his first love.  Years have passed and life has gone on.  I can smile now. But sometimes when I turn out the light at night, I lie there awake and wait in silence, for the turn of the key in the lock so I can go back to sleep knowing he is home safe with us.

Categories: Kindness, Memory Lane, Motherhood

A Tale of Two Bikes

I can’t believe I haven’t shared the story of my love of motorcycles with you, or perhaps I have and can’t find it, either way here it is.

I love motorcycles.  I do, really, really do.  I don’t love the drivers in their cars who don’t shoulder check and the yahoos that drive 160kms an hours, so I got rid of my bike.

In High School, there was this boy who had a bike.  He was pretty cool, but not ‘my type’ kinda cool.  Everyone knew him with his long hair and talent for his guitar.  He was one of three guys who had a bike back then.  We knew each other, but didn’t really hang out.  I used to covet his motorcycle.  My Parents refused to let me get one, which is probably why they helped me buy my first car.

Then, my parents moved to Manitoba.  One day I realized that I could now learn how to drive a motorcycle and buy one!  In the Fall of 1989, around the time that the boy in HS sold his bike, I took the Provincial course on learning to drive a motorcycle.  Then winter came and went.  I lived just off of Heron Road at the corner near Bank Street.  One day when I was out jogging, I stopped in the Ottawa Goodtimes Center.  BIG MISTAKE.  I fell in love with a bike.  And walked away with it in May of 1990.

Oh man, I LOVED that bike.

Look at me all happy, with crazy hair and the pink stripe on my super fast and cool Kawasaki EX500 (now a Ninja 500). This is from the summer of 1990.  Ironically, where this photo is taken is at my old best friends house.  I used to hang out there a lot.  So did his brother with his friend, boy with the bike from HS.  For whatever reason, I let him ride my bike.

Life went on, I eventually moved me and my bike to Manitoba and back again. Then came a time when I needed a new car.  My old car was tired and I couldn’t swing a new car and my motorcycle at the time.  Add to that the fat that my Dad really didn’t like my bike, so I made a deal.  I would try to sell it and if it sold I would get a new car and if it didn’t there would be no more discussion about my bike.  It sold.

Fast forward to 1995.  I am hanging out at my best friends house (even though he lived in Alberta) and his brother was home for the summer and hanging out with his friends and boy with a bike happened to be there too.  Brother went home and boy with a bike kept on hanging out with me. Neither of us had bikes but we still shared the same love of them.

Fast forward 1999.  Boy with bike became, Hubby!  and neither of us still had a bike.

The dream has been alive in him, apparently for the last 11 years because last Fall he started talking bikes.  Ack!  We have two small children, why? It’s silly.  All those things came to light in the discussions about a bike.  The biggest being that he wanted to get a 900cc bike, much to big for BeachMama to drive comfortably.  Then, he came upon the same bike he used to own, only custom painted.  Not only was it 500cc, but the cost was just right for a little hobby.

On Wednesday, Hubby arrived home like a kid in a candy store.  He is once again the boy with the bike.

It needs a teeny bit of work and Hubby needs a new helmet, but suffice to say, there will be some bike riding in our future and it has made Hubby one happy guy.

Categories: About Me, Memory Lane, motorcycle

 Tonight at 5pm, out of the blue our doorbell rang.  When the doorbell rights at that time of night it usually means a door to door salesman of some sort.  I won the draw to answer the door.  And was I ever thankful that I did!  A girlfriend of mine was standing there, with a plate of Chocolate No-Bake Cookies.  She remembered that I told her I loved them when I was a kid.  So, when she made some today she packaged some up for me and dropped them off.

What a wonderfully thoughtful thing to do for me.  It brightened  my day for sure.  They are like little drops of heaven and bring me back to my childhood when we would make them all the time.

I am not sure if this is her recipe or not, but this is the one I grew up making, straight from my Mom’s recipe card. And if you decide to make some, perhaps you should drop a plate off for an unsuspecting friend or colleague just because.

Chocolate No-Bake Cookies

  • 2 c. white sugar
  • 1/2 c. margerine
  • 1/2 c. milk
  • 6 tbsp cocoa

Bring above to boil & add

  • 3c. oatmeal
  • 1 c. coconut
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Drop by teaspoon on wax paper.  Refrigerate and Enjoy!

Categories: Kindness, Memory Lane, Pay it Forward, Randomness