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When I heard that there would be a small trade show before the start of the Workshop on the Waterfront, I was quite excited.  I love getting a look at all the new and fabulous things that are available to us photographers out there.  I also heard that Epiphanie Bags would have a display.  I really wanted to pick one up while I was there, save on the shipping, go home in style, all the good things came to mind.  Unfortunately they weren’t selling any of the bags that day.

There was, however, a drawing to be held at the end of the workshop where they would be giving away one of their bags.  I did my thing and filled out my card.  On with the workshop.

Everywhere I turned I saw Epiphanie. Many of the fabulous speakers had an Epiphanie bag and lots of guests had Epiphanie bags.  There may have even been a couple used to carry beers to a pajama party, not that I saw this or anything.  Needless to say, I had made up my mind to go back to my room and order one.  Except, I ran out of time.  Oh well, I would order it as soon as I got home.

As we were wrapping up the Workshop Marta Locklear, who was sponsored by Epiphanie,  headed up to the front with not one, but two bags for the drawing.  I had pretty much forgotten about it since my head was so full of amazing information and insight.  Marta called out a name and the lady went up and chose the red bag.  I thought to myself, good now there is still a brown one left for me, not really thinking that my name would be called because honestly, that just doesn’t happen to me.  Except that this time it did!

And as Marta called out my name, I actually said, “are you kidding me?” to which she replied, “no!”.  I really couldn’t believe it.  What a fabulous way to wrap up an already fabulous Workshop.   I have already been out shooting with it and if I took off the little camera tag, you really truly wouldn’t know it was a camera bag unless you looked inside.  My camera, lenses and flash all fit nicely with extra room for my wallet and all the little stuff you need to have tucked into your bag when out shooting.

Thank you Epiphanie, both in sponsoring Marta so we could learn from her and in sending along a couple of bags for gifts.  I appreciate it very much and rest assured, I will be telling all my friends about your fabulous camera bags.

Categories: Catching up, Kindness, Photography

Beverly Sunday

Beverly (on the Right) pictured here with J’lene Bradley (left) and Dawn Maracle (center) at the EM Ottawa Launch.

At the EM Ottawa Launch in January, I met Beverly Sunday.  A gorgeous, charismatic woman who is working towards opening an Aboriginal Dance and Fitness studio, HAWK,  in Hintonburg in April.  Although I was walking around trying to get photos of each member, I was also drawn to Beverly with her sunny smile and enthusiasm.

Yesterday, through Twitter, I found out that Beverly and her husband, Joseph, were in terrible car accident on Friday, February 19th.  They are both still in the hospital with head injuries, collapsed lung and broken bones.  Beverly had just been to the Olympics dancing at the opening ceremonies and now she is fighting for her life.   Please include Beverly and Joseph in your Prayers, she is Mom to three children and I just can’t bare the thought of them growing up without their Mom or Dad.

We are thinking of you Beverly.

Categories: EMOttawa, Kindness, Prayers

Falling in Love

Back in December, I wrote about how my Dad, Sister and I take care of an elderly Brother and Sister.  Apple and I went and put up their Christmas Tree.  J and Apple brought them some homemade cookies.  And my Sister took it all down after New Year’s.

The care for them continues and each time my Sister decides to go on a little trip (she is almost 26 and has zero responsibilities), I fill in for her.  Which means that I have to go once a day, make sure that the Sister, H, is up and at ’em ready for breakfast. G can get himself up and ready and then proceeds to make breakfast, lunch and supper all day long until it is time to retire again.

Usually, I leave Apple with my Mom, it makes it so much easier to help out when I am not chasing a two year old through a big house, but I had to bring her yesterday and today.  Yesterday wasn’t a good day, H was a little confused and didn’t seem to know what was going on.  And she kept wondering who Apple was and why was she bouncing every where.  But, today, today was a good day.  When Apple and I arrived, H was bright-eyed and raring to go.  We talked about our swimming lessons this morning, which thrilled H to bits since she once was a Mermaid (Synchronized Swimming Club in Toronto) back in her day.  She also taught swimming to high school students in addition to English.

Apple helped H with her clothes, shoes and walking stick, which really seemed to please H.  And Apple well, she isn’t afraid of old people, which is great because next week H will turn 87.  Apple was running and dancing all around H’s bedroom. Singing songs and telling her stories.  Then, it was time for H to brush her hair.  So, I sat down in a chair and put Apple on my lap.  And then there was a moment.  One of those moments when you realize that you love somebody.  Here I was helping them (H&G) out.  Just wanting to make sure that they can continue to live on their own as has always been their wish.  And now I find myself loving these guys.  As H was watching Apple and brushing her hair, I just broke my heart to think that she may not be with us for much longer. And then what would G do without his older Sister?  I really am not sure how everything will play out.  But, I do know that slowly and surely this Brother and Sister have made their way into my heart and it really breaks every time I have to think about the reality of the situation.

Time will tick on and we will continue to go and hang out with them (an expression H just doesn’t understand given that she was an English teacher, “What do you mean we will just hang out?”  she asks me.) and make sure that they have what they need to continue on their own.  And should the time come for one of them to move out of the house, I hope I have the strength to keep visiting, I have never been very good with nursing homes, but I have also never been very good at saying good-bye.

Categories: Kindness