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We made it down to Major’s Hill Park for the last day of the Tulip Festival.  The morning sun tricked us into thinking it was warmer than it was. Apple was dressed appropriately however, Hubby, J and I had bare legs and boy was it cold.

 J is now too big for some of his favourite rides and too nervous to go on some of the bigger rides.  So he stuck with the Carousel and we hope to encourage him onto the bigger rides as the summer goes on.

Next up was the Candy Floss or Cotton Candy.  J has been asking to try it for a few weeks now.  He saw it on a show and wondered why I never bought him any.  I had to remind him that I buy him some every year at the beach, but he never liked it before, so I would unfortunately have to eat it, all. Hubby and I had a Beavertail (my third for the year!) and shared with Apple.

Despite the cool temperatures we had fun and remembered why we like to go out for a morning on the weekends doing something other than errands.

Categories: Downtown, Family, Festivals, Fun Stuff to do with Kids

A weekend in Photos

Friday night had our skies painted a gorgeous pink, I had to get a photo.

 Saturday night brought our first Rainbow of the season, we were able to see both sides.  All of us made it outside, teenager included.

 Sunday we made it to the Tulip Festival.  The news made it seem like more of the flowers were out, but next weekend should be even better, so we will be going again.  It was still a nice day to get out.

 J, in his tree.  This is the second year in a row that he had to climb this tree.  And Apple being a cheeky little girl, not wanting a picture taken.


Finally got a smile out of her.

There were a few patches of daffodils that were just stunning.   I tried to get some pictures of the kids with these as a backdrop, but Apple was just not into the photo op at the time.

 J was intently watching some Buskers perform.  In this photo he just looks like such a little man, reminds me that he is growing up so fast.

Categories: Festivals, Fun Stuff to do with Kids, Kids, Photography

A Trip Downtown

After assessing J’s cold and deciding that he could go downtown for a treat, we packed everyone into the car and headed out.  I have been trying to get the family downtown since Christmas.  I did make a trip with my Sister’s, but all I got to see what the mall.  Not that the mall isn’t nice, but I would rather see the crowds and walk around.

And I really wanted a Beavertail!

I didn’t get one.  The lines were really, really long.  I can go again, by myself, in the middle of the week.

 I put together a little mosaic of photos, with J and Apple added in for the mix.

I didn’t get many shots downtown as J was shivering and our assessment wasn’t good.  Although his fever had not returned since the day before, once we were outside and walking around, it returned.  So we took a few minutes walk, bought some candy treats, saw my Sister and called it a day.

The mosaic is very interesting.  From my previous post I mentioned that Ottawa had so many parks that you could essentially visit one a week for a year.  Well, in our short drive from my house to the Market (23 minutes) we passed seven parks and a canal. With so much else in between (actually, there are more that we would have passed had we taken a different road, but I am sure you are getting the picture).  Not to mention that our winter festival, Winterlude, is in full swing right now, thus the millions of people on the skateway and waiting for Beavertails.

And oddly enough you can visit each of these places in any season and get a little something from it.  I didn’t get a photo of each place, but I will list them for you, just in case you are ever visiting here and want to check out any of these places.  And you can do all of this in one day or once a week visit a spot and stretch it out for a couple of months.

  1. Black Rapids
  2. Mooney’s Bay
  3. Hog’s Back Falls
  4. Dow’s Lake
  5. Rideau Canal
  6. Arboretum
  7. Commisioners Park
  8. Confederation Park

Now, lets hope J gets better enough for tomorrow, we were planning a trip to the Winterlude slides at Jacques Cartier Park in Gatineau for Family Day.

**Well, that was a linky post!

Categories: Festivals, Fun Stuff to do with Kids, Long Weekends