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Little Miss Trouble

After my last post about J and how much he is like his Mother, I feel like I should also share how little Apple is like me.   Not only does she look just like her Dad, in miniature form with Strawberry hair but, she must, must have his temperment.  I am only guessing because, although he is not like this today, I can see him being a little like this when he was younger.

Little Miss Apple is not a cuddler.  She will only cuddle if you walk around with her until your back aches and your knees hurt.  As soon as you sit, she screams and wiggles herself free.  And whines and cries in hopes that you will again pick her up.  Sometimes she wins, sometimes she loses.

If you sit on the floor to play with her, your chances are pretty good that she will be happy, but if you (and realize, the ‘you’ in these sentences is actually me) step foot into the kitchen to make a cup of tea or lunch or dinner it is like the end of the world.  I have made many a dinner with a little girl sitting on my foot, arms wrapped around my leg and screaming and crying.  And when Hubby gets home, he wonders why I have a headache the size of Canada.

And Hubby, well yes, the sun rises and shines on Daddy right now, so except for the morning when he leaves for work, any other time he leaves or goes to another room is like the end of the world all over again.  I mean, she does this if I leave her with my Mom or Hubby too, but this is so rare that she is just confused about what on earth is going on.

Should I carry this one step further, I will include that she feels compelled to open every door, drawer, and cabinet that suits her fancy.  Sometimes she takes stuff out, sometimes she doesn’t.  But, knowing that she is opening these things up drives me crazy.  Usually she opens the door, puts her hand inside and just stares at me.  Waiting.  Waiting for me to notice and tell her no.  She is an instigator this one.  On top of all of that she is already throwing herself on the floor in mini screaming fits.  So far, they are only at home and usually happen when I have removed her from said drawers and door for the eleventy millionth time.  I dread the day this happens in public.  My only saving grace is that I am tall and strong and so far have no problems picking up my kids and marching out to the car with them.

As Apple is only 14 months old, I still hold out hope that I can find a way to work with her temperment and perhaps change it up a little bit.

Categories: Baby, Kids

The Homemade Cake

We had our family party this past Sunday for Apple.  And although it was a little low-key, I had to make her her first birthday cake from scratch.  I did it for J, way back when, before I had a blog.  So, I did one for her.  A simple white cake, with Marshmallow Fluff Icing tinted pink.

We had lots of snacks, My Parents, Sister and her two kids and my Best Girlfriend and her Hubby and kids all joined in for some good eats and good conversation.  That and watching the kids play and have fun is always a blast.  We each have a boy and a girl of similar ages, so the boys took off and were running around the house and the girls stayed where all the food and chatter was.

Overall it was a great day, except for one minor candle incident.  One where say, perhaps, Mom put the cake a little too close to the birthday girl and turned to put a dirty plate on the counter so that there would be no dirty plate in the photo that Dad was taking.  As Mom’s back was turned the birthday girl grabbed a candle and got a little wee burn from the wax.  She is fine, there was only crying for a few minutes, nothing some vanilla ice cream didn’t fix.  But, getting shots of her blowing out the candles and eating her first homemade by Mom cake were not had.  Thankfully, I got a shot before hand to even prove that there was a cake.  And thankfully four days later there is no sign of a burn or any lasting after effects.  Apparently her reach is much farther than I thought…

And last of all, Hubby got a good shot of Apple and I!  This one is a keeper, I may even have to edit out the stuff on the top of the fridge and frame this one up.

 And for the record, it was a cool day outside, but I had to wear a pink dress to match my little girl.  The only pink dress I had was a sundress.  There is always next year.

Categories: Baby, Birthdays

A Day of Firsts

Today is full of firsts!!  And first of all, I am sure you were all wondering when I wrote about J’s birthday party how I could talk just so little about it.  Well, that is because I had written a long and detailed post for Secret Agent Josephine as a Guest Post.  This is the first time I have written as a Guest and I can’t tell you how many times since I sent it off to her that I wanted to rewrite it and do it over again, but I stayed my course.  When I write here on my blog, I write what comes to mind straight from the heart.  And I did the same when I wrote for her, so it would not have been the same had I rewritten it a few times.   So, be sure to head over and get all the details of the day we had!

Today was J’s first day of school.  I made him wear his ‘nice’ shorts and a golf shirt, so I got a little grief over the not as comfy as his usual shorts, but by the time I offered to trade off the shorts for pants he was a happy camper and ready to go.  The sun was shining when we left (yay, no toy shopping!) and it was already feeling hot.  I could tell that he was very excited and although he met his teacher briefly, he was more excited to go and play with his friends on the play structure.  Exactly what I wanted to see for the first day.  When I picked him up he told me that he liked his classroom more than our house and that his teacher was ‘Awesome’.  I think it is safe to say, at least for now, that all is well in the world of Senior Kindergarten.


 And last of all the firsts, but certainly not the least was Apple’s Birthday!  A very low key day, I didn’t even have time to make my own cupcakes, but we did buy some so she could have a taste of the good stuff.  She went straight for the cake, which is a good thing because J only eats the icing, so now we can let them share a piece.  We are planning a family celebration this weekend so hopefully down the road she won’t feel like she was jilted out of a first birthday party.  She definitely was an Angel today, missed her brother while he was at school and played with him and his friend after school.  All in all a wonderful day of Firsts.

p.s…  Can I admit that I cannot believe that she is a year old!!!!  I just don’t know where the year has gone, it is unbelievable that is for sure.

Categories: Baby, Birthdays, Blog Stuff, School