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California or Bust!

Today is the last day to enter for my Blogiversary Giveaway, the draw will take place tomorrow morning!

Today, I am going out on a limb.  I am not one to usually use my blog to further businesses that I have, but I really, really want to go to California this September.  You see Hubby has a conference in Anaheim.  Three years ago it was in San Diego and J and I tagged along.  We had a fabulous trip, met up with some fantastic online friends and would love to do it all again and maybe sneak in a trip to Disney while we are at it.

Staying at home with the kids means that I usually don’t get to join him on fun work trips, but this one means a lot to me and I would like to be able to pay for myself, J and Apple to go.  Of course, it so happens that the trip is two weeks after Apple’s second birthday, so we would have to pay for her as well.  I am not asking for donations but, I am going to offer a 25% discount on any of my Photography packages  until the end of the Summer (August 31, 2009), just click on the “California or Bust” photo in my sidebar and it will take you directly through to my photography site.  You can use the contact page to book a session with me, just be sure to mention that you are one of my blog readers when you contact me in order to get the discount.

If you are not up for getting portraits taken I do have my Etsy shop stocked and will be adding new items in the next few weeks.  Or if neither of those suits you and your kids will be heading back to school in the Fall, I am an Agent for Stuck on You Labels (I have a button for that on my sidebar as well).

I will take any help that I can to make it to California, there are a couple of Ladies, I would like to meet and I  have been hoping to go for sometime, but just got word that Hubby will definitely be going with his new job.

Categories: Etsy, Family, Photography, Summer, The Beach, Travel, Vacation, Wish List

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  • bethany actually June 29, 2009, 2:56 pm

    Yeahhhh, California, baby!

  • Meghann June 29, 2009, 6:03 pm

    Best of luck! I want to go to Cali sooooo badly also 🙂

  • Twinmomplusone June 30, 2009, 10:51 am

    OH, I’ll do every little bit I can to get you to reach that dream.
    Having just been to California earlier this year with kids in tow while hubby was at a conference, I know first hand how you feel my dear

    I’m off to Stuck on You to order albels for my kid who is off to boarding school this year, yikes, and would love to purchase one of your beautiful pumpkin hats on Etsy if you ever make more.

    More hugs

  • C June 30, 2009, 12:32 pm

    California!!! Awesome! Love the smiles on your faces, btw! So cute!! LOVE your Etsy Shop!!! I’ve been meaning to tell you that! XO

  • Heather June 30, 2009, 10:15 pm

    I do hope you are able to make it to California! I’ll see what I can do for you…I like those Stuck on You labels – I may have to order some of those cute calling cards for my son. Good Luck to you!