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A Little Pumped Up

My girlfriend Lori and I have been friends since Kindergarten.  Now, back in the ’70s when we went to school, you went to Kindergarten when you were five, there was no Junior and Senior, there was just Kindergarten.  Not that I am very good in math or anything, but it would make it about 33 years that we have known each other.

Thirty Three!  THIRTY THREE!!!  Can you freakin’ believe that?  Well I can’t, because some of the memories I have seem like it was yesterday.

Lori had the designer clothes before I ever knew what designer meant.  She had and still has gorgeous naturally curly hair.  Oh to have those curls.  I used to sleep in those hard spikey rollers all night long to try to achieve what Lori was given so naturally.  I think we were in most (if not all) classes together from Kindergarten through Grade Six.  Then we were apart for Seven and Eight. And back together in High School (I went to French Immersion in between).  We were in some classes together again but what stands out the most is that we were Cheerleaders together.  Oh how I loved Cheerleading.  For a year my grades weren’t good enough. But, I squeaked my way in the next two years after.  And I think I was in the best shape of High School while I was Cheering.  It was great.

After High School, Lori and I went our separate ways.  I moved to another Province and back again and we would bump into each other now and then.  Then, through another friend I found out Lori was married and living in Texas.  One day I will make it to Texas, but I have yet to get there.  We have seen each other only once in the last ten years, but we chat now and then through email. And cheer each other on in our different adventures.

Lori has been doing fabulously, she is a personal trainer, gym teacher and body builder.  She recently got back into body building and has been winning her fair share of tournaments (I think they call them tournaments).  She also just got her website up and running, so I thought I would take this opportunity to share this with readers because I think I have a few that are in Austin and that is where Lori is based.  If you feel like getting back into shape or just being inspired, stop by Lori’s website Amped Up Fitness With Lori Pavesi .    I know that if we were in the same city, I would be her best client and my before and after photos would be up on that site.  For now, I remain a before picture, and only dream of getting back into such great shape.  One day, my friend one day.

Categories: Fitness

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  • Kim December 12, 2008, 12:54 am

    I’ve got a friend like that.

    PS. If you ever make it to Texas, you’re welcome to visit us as well!

  • Chantal December 12, 2008, 10:35 am

    I love that you have a friend like that. I do too and I think it is so special that we still talk and visit and we have known each other pretty much all our lives. It is a rare thing. I have talked to others who don’t have it and are amazed.

  • Tanya December 13, 2008, 5:11 pm

    That’s great, she looks awsome!! I wouldn’t mind looking half that muscular!! I love watching the fitness competitions, like Miss Universe, and Ms Fitness USA…it helps when I’m trying to finish on the treadmill..cause you think if they can do all that!!

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