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Workout Wednesday – Recovering from Halloween

It has been a couple of weeks since I did a Workout Wednesday post. I was going strong and didn’t want to break my stride by posting about it. Then, after a few weeks of running every other day I got a stomach bug. It was only around for 24 hours but it derailed my running for about a week.

My girlfriend Lori left a comment that really helped me out. I had been running and cutting back my food but, I wasn’t eating enough. As soon as I added back in an afternoon snack I found that I was able to drop a couple of pounds. I know it is only two pounds so far, but that is the start in my last ten. With 8 left to go, I may have to encourage the family to finish off that bag of treats they brought home. Candy is a weakness for me, I can admit that.

As I hope to run tomorrow morning, here is a peek at our Halloween. The boys carved the pumpkin (in 15 years Hubby has never carved a pumpkin before, I love it!). The kids tried out the treats once the bowls were ready. They donned their costumes and went to visit the scary neighbour next door. They had a wonderful night and spent a good hour and a half walking down the street and back up again. Apple kept up with her brother and J took her hand to the door, they were in it together and didn’t fight once. I dressed up as a mad scientist and handed out the treats with a pot of coffee, for me.

Categories: Halloween, Workout Wednesday

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  • bethany actually November 5, 2009, 1:22 am

    Yay for two pounds gone! Now where are the photos of the mad scientist!? 🙂 Although I don’t see how you could top Princess Leia!

  • Chantal November 5, 2009, 11:31 am

    That looks like fun. I really enjoyed Halloween as well. It helps to live in an area with lots of kids around. Yay on the two pounds. I will need your work out wednesday posts as motivation in a few months so keep up the good work 🙂

  • Kami November 5, 2009, 12:41 pm

    Yay for the two pounds! I have found that snacking makes a huge difference too, if I don’t I lose energy. They say to eat every 2-3 hours and “they” are right. Keep up the running and you will be down 8 in no time.

    Great Halloween pictures! But where is that mad scientist? 😉