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Wish List

Since my laundry room is clean and the shelves organized, thanks to another visit from my Mom, I have nothing better to do on this Saturday than to surf the net and look at all the wonderful things I would love to have, if I had a large amount of cash at my disposal. I should say that Hubby is finishing some of the painting that has been waiting for him to finish since the fall. So, I am more than happy to sit here and surf.

Wish List (you should sing “If I had a $1000000” by the wonderful Barenaked Ladies while you read it, makes it more fun)

**Note, most of the following will be shoes, now you know where I would spend my money if I had lots of it.

1. Anything Kate Spade. I would love a Kate Spade Diaper bag, but would settle for a wallet, handbag or even a pair of shoes.

2. A (yes, I will not be greedy and stick with one pair) pair of Christian Louboutin shoes. Holt Renfrew is now carrying them, and they start at abou $1500 cdn for a pair. I just love the telltale red sole and the sleek beauty of his shoes. I would feel like a million dollars if I was wearing a pair of these.

3. To go along with the foot fetish, I would love a pair of Jimmy Choo boots. And since the season for boots appears to be over, so I will put a link to sandals, any one pair would do me just fine.

4. Since I will be wearing some fancy footwear and carrying a beauty of a bag, lets put down one of my wishes of all time. To own a Chanel Suit. Since the days when I wore a suit at Cineplex, I drempt of owning a Chanel. When I used to walk around Montréal with my Grandmother, I would make her stop at the Chanel boutique so I could look at the latest and greatest. I did have a Chanel-like suit (still have it actually, but really I was a size 7 when I wore it, so I won’t be wearing it again for a while) and it was my favourite. I did feel like a million bucks when I wore it.

5. So, now that I am dressed to the nines, no sense in driving my Nissan, which by the way, I totally love even though it is now almost ten years old, yikes! I should be driving around in a little more style, like perhaps a BMW SAV. Since I first got my licence, I dreamed of owning a BMW convertible. I did get part of my wish for eight years when I had a Geo Metro convertible, but sensible they are not when you have kids, so I would kick it up a notch and go for the SAV, then agian. If I have a million dollars I could afford one of each.

6. A pair of Seven jeans. I love these jeans, but just cannot justify spending almost $200 on jeans. Not to mention that my butt isn’t quite that skinny anymore, so maybe I should put that down as an incentive for after this baby is born. Get skinny, get Seven!

7. I would fill my closet with sweaters from the Ralph Lauren Cashmere collection. I don’t think there is one sweater that I wouldn’t love to own in that collection.

8. Not that anyone would see, but I would so love to fill my drawers at La Perla.

9. For casual days, I would definately want to be wearing some lululemon. My girlfriend swears that one of their tracksuits takes ten pounds off you, just by putting it on. If you can call them tracksuits they are definaetly stylish and comfortable looking, but again I can’t seem to justify spending the money on them. It could definately be a picker upper for after baby arrives.

10. And last of all, really is it the last? Just the last for today, trust me… I would put a pair of Coach sunglasses on my face. I tried a pair on similar to these last summer. But the $250 price tag (and this was at the outlet) almost sent Hubby running for cover. I settled for a pair of Ray-Ban’s, that I love as well, but the Coach just had a little something extra.

So, there you have it. I spent my millions today… what would you buy for yourself if you had a million and were treating you, just you?

Categories: Wish List

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  • kailani March 3, 2007, 8:25 pm

    Did someone say virtual online shopping? I’m so there! I don’t think $1 million would be enough though. hee hee

  • chichimama March 3, 2007, 8:31 pm

    Oh, I like your list. Especially the seven jeans and the Coach sunglasses, yumm.

  • nancy March 5, 2007, 9:12 pm

    Is that like cyber-window-shopping??

    I do have an answer for you my friend : ebay !!!

  • kate5kiwis March 6, 2007, 2:29 am

    oh yes!!!!!!
    shoes and handbags, that’s me too.
    oh, and a trip to paris to pick them up :o)

  • Silver Creek Mom March 6, 2007, 9:15 am

    Hummm…I never would think of owning any of that stuff. I guess I’m too cheap to even imgine it.

    But I know I would love to see it on you!

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