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Warm Soup

The time of year has arrived.

Gone are the skinny salads and cool dinners replaced by warm comforting soups and mega carbs.

I am trying to be ok with that as soup keeps me going in the cold winter months.

And thankfully Apple loves soup as much as I do.

I do have a few recipes that are waistline friendly, but if any of you have a favourite soup that is delicious and low in the calorie count please pass it along.  I promise to make it at least once to try out (unless it is Pumpkin Soup, I have tried that once and something about eating pie for lunch just didn’t work for me).

Thank you, my waistline will thank you more.

Categories: Food, Recipes

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  • bethany actually September 27, 2009, 2:40 pm

    I looooove soup! Soup weather won’t be here for another month or more, though. 🙂 I know I’ve posted a couple of soup recipes on my site, let’s see…

    Rainy days call for soup
    garlic cheese bread and vegetable beef soup
    vegetablicious: a soup recipe

  • Sharon September 27, 2009, 4:28 pm

    I love SOUP too. When I’m cold there is nothing like it and it’s usually what I go on search of at school. I live your soup with the beans and the sausage Could I have that reciepe? Please?
    I have two I like to make a beef barely soup my mom used to make and a butternut squash soup…that I’m the only one that eats…MORE FOR ME!

  • Lynn September 27, 2009, 5:37 pm

    When I was a kid I hated soup, never ate the stuff, not even plain tomato. Then about ten years ago, I had some homemade lentil soup at my mom’s and was suddenly a completely convert. Now we have soup and homemade biscuits (that’s the fatty part!) once a week for dinner.

    My favourites are: lentil; mixed bean and spagattini (super fast); squash and apple (this one is a crockpotter), leek and potato (I have a good crockpot recipe, but the store-bought kind — Imagine Organics in a tetra pack, buy it in the organic food area is just as good), and zucchini. I already have three more to try this winter — alphabet, chickpea, and chicken tortilla.

    Let me know if any of these sound good to you, and I’ll email the recipes.

  • Kami September 27, 2009, 9:12 pm

    I am not big on soup but if I do make it I stick to simple. Chicken broth and veggies with a can of cream of celery and cumin mixed in. It’s quick, easy and pretty healthy…I think 😉

  • Donna September 28, 2009, 8:35 am

    Hi, just checked in to see how your trip was……..glad to hear that you all had a great time. Cool weather brings Chicken Pot Pie to our house. Here is a recipe that makes it a bit lower in calories and fat and even a bigger bonus the kids ask for it!!


    Lots of love!

  • Shannon September 28, 2009, 8:43 pm


    This apple butternut squash soup is one of my favourites in the whole world – not bad and I usually use light cream so it is not *that* unhealthy . . . you could probably leave it out if you wanted and it wouldn’t affect the taste much. I am making lots of soup this week . . . must be all the rain!

  • Valerie September 30, 2009, 7:41 pm

    I don’t have a recipe, but wanted to say I love your picture!