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The Fridge Meme

I have been tagged by TwinMom to post my fridge. Mine isn’t quite as exciting as hers is 🙂 here it goes…
Truth be told there is more on top of my fridge, than on the front. I tried to make it neater by getting the two offenders boxes (Hubby & J) but, the piles are now growing on top of the boxes!

On the front of the fridge are:
-Easter magnets, becasue the kids love them. Although we are missing the Easter Bunny, but am hoping that it will turn up again soon.
-A magnet from our honeymoon in Cancun.
-A magnet of a beach house in Delaware.
-A flip flop note pad
-A postcard from Secret Agent Josephine of her trip to Paris. I love her work, and it serves to inspire me to be more creative.
-A photo of me with “J” & “J2” at my Mom’s when my sister was having her Baby. The boys were jumping all over me so my Mom snapped a few shots.
-A photo of my Sister with “J” & “J2” at the park sitting in a train.
-A postcard from Opa and his most recent trip to Alaska.
– A magnet with a list of how to prepare for an Emergency (such as a pandemic, that was hubby’s help in the planning when he scared the crap out of me last spring).
-Insurance papers for the van, that should be in the van, but since we don’t drive it anymore, there the papers sit…. just like the van. Did I mention it is ugly and depreciating the value of our house? Just kidding, we are thinking of getting rid of it now that Hubby takes the bus, but I am not a one car family kind of person so we are waiting to see what my Dad’s mechanic has sitting around.

And voila. That is my fridge. Nothing too exciting, all of it pushed to the top because “J” would pull it down with his hockey sticks, now it just adds a bit of colour to our kitchen.

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