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The Beach

The Beach

If you have been following my Twitter feed or Facebook page, you would see my morning updates from The Beach.

I am happy to report that despite three days of forecasted thundershowers we have yet to see rain.  The clouds dispersed each morning enough for us to get plenty of colour and warmth and then alas Thursday was our first full day of sunshine.

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The Beach (as I just found out is what you say if you are from Delaware, “I am going to “the Beach”, unlike those from New Jersey who say they are going to “the Shore” apparently each state or area says something different) well it hasn’t changed much since last year. A few new stores, but the sand, water and sunshine are still the same.

The kids are getting old enough to spend more time in the water, which is good for Hubby and I and thank goodness they aren’t afraid of the waves, even when they get tossed around a bit.

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We are looking forward to the second half of our vacation, in the meantime, “Happy Canada Day!!!”

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Categories: The Beach, Vacation