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Saving the Turtles

We went on a family road trip today.  The kids and I followed Hubby on his motorcycle through winding roads and Eastern Townships.

It was a beautiful day for a family trip, even if Hubby was out on his bike. We had fun in the car singing with the windows open and trying to catch up to Daddy.

On the way, he gave us the pull over signal and I wasn’t sure what was going on until he turned around and went back to pick up this little guy off the road.  I am so glad I missed him!

The kids wanted to keep him, but Hubby made sure to take him across the road to his destination. Apparently Hubby makes sure to stop all the time on his little biking adventures, he sees the little things on the road that I can’t always see or not until it is too late.

One more turtle was saved today to carry on his adventures.

Saving the Turtle

Categories: Family, Travel

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  • Meghann May 24, 2011, 11:16 am

    I have to stop all the time out in the country to make sure they get across the road, though the first time I did it, it was a HUGE snapping turtle, and I almost dropped it because it started hissing at me like a cat, and I didn’t know they could hiss! Just about scared me out of my skin, lol. Now I just laugh at them and tell them to get it out of their system as I walk them across the road 🙂

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