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Return to Paris


Paris, France

Thirty seven years ago this October, my eldest sister and I posed for this picture in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. We had matching pantsuits, coordinating scarves and new bracelets my parents had just bought us (I still have mine in my jewelry box).  We had a brand new baby sister and we lived in England at the time. My Mom was not thrilled about the idea of going up the tower, so my older sister and my Dad went up.  She was nine and much more worldly than I so I stayed on the ground with Mom.  Having lived in England for quite a few months and thinking that we would never be going back to Canada, I wrongly assumed that I would have the chance to visit Paris again and get my turn to go up the tower.

That time never came. We returned to Canada the following February and I have yet to return to Paris, that is until now. Yes! You read that right. At this time next week, I will be triple checking my passport and bags and getting ready to fly over the pond.  Only this time it will be with Hubby and not my parents and sisters.  I am shamelessly tagging along on a work trip with him, only made possible by the love and kindness of my parents and their unique ability to collect airmiles faster than anyone else I know.

How many times will I stand under the Eiffel Tower? How many museums will I see? I believe there is a Champagne Vineyard on the schedule and quite possibly more walking than these dogs have seen in a while.  I would start a countdown but truly it is already on in my mind.  Montmartre, Montparnasse, Tuilieries, Pont Neuf… all is just floating in my mind ready to experience.  Now to brush up on my french with my children this week so that I won’t be an embarrassment to all the teachers who tried to prepare me for this moment.

*This photo originally appeared in one of my Memory Lane posts in 2009.
Categories: Travel

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