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Random Photos from the Weekend

This weekend was just wonderful.  The weather was warm, the sun was out and the snow was melting.  Not that we did so much outside, but we certainly enjoyed the fact that we didn’t need boots, snow pants, mitts, hats or even winter jackets, it was all about Spring.  We may get a shock later in the month, but with the forecast for the next week promising warm weather we are just going to run with it and enjoy.

Here are a few fun shots from the weekend.

Wee little Apple is starting to dress herself, she goes from dresses to crazy mismatched socks and layered t-shirts in two days.


Then there is J, calm, cool, casual.

We broke out the BBQ today, we just did hotdogs, but it would seem as though hotdogs are our season openers here.  Can’t wait to start BBQing some fun dishes again.


As the snow melts in the backyard, we are finding all sorts of buried treasures from the last few times the kids played outside and didn’t put things away.  I love seeing and smelling the grass again and look forward to Spring blooms.  Also broke out the sandals for the backyard, the grass is pretty squishy.


Categories: Catching up, Randomness

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  • Kami March 7, 2010, 10:52 pm

    Yay for spring! And hotdogs are the perfect spring opener if you ask me. Nothing better than a BBQ’d hot dog!

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