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How awful that I am rolling two posts into one!  But the truth is I am barely squeaking this by. I am exhausted and running on empty, but I can’t let today pass without acknowledging my son’s 7th Birthday and offering up a challenge.

Birthday Boy

Seven years ago I was weeping with Joy because this little guy came into my life.  I still relish the days we spend together and try not to suffer the days when he is gone from me at school.  He is half of my team where I am the coach, he is my everything.  What I wouldn’t do for this little guy.  I love you J.

And not to shrug my new dedication to Workout Wednesdays, I have to say that this week was a good slap in the face.  Last night at an event a lady approached me to offer her Doula services. Needless to say I am not pregnant and it took all I had in me not to scream at her, but it was certainly the slap I needed to wake up my abs and get them into shape.

So, this week I am offering up a challenge should you wish to join me.  In addition to my running, I am going to do a set of  hundreds each day.  Hundreds is a Pilates move that works out your abs and if I wasn’t already in my pj’s I would show them to you, but check out “hundreds pilates” on the web and you will find some great suggestions.  Will you join me?

**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Birthdays, Workout Wednesday

BeachMama Runs

Ok, so I never really stopped working out, I just stopped doing anything more than running.  And well, that can get boring to write about after a while.  Add to that the fact that I have had a hard time understanding why my body just doesn’t want to let go of the last ten pounds I am at a stand still.

I have been to the Doctor and run test after test after test. I have tried different things and still I remain the same.  My Doctor tells me I should just get used to I am almost 40. I was getting pretty discouraged and felt bad to come here and whine about it. But, after talking to a couple of people that told me they missed my Workout Wednesdays, I decided to raise it from the dead.  And perhaps with raising the weekly accountability I can try some new things and figure out why things aren’t working for me.

So please pick up your running shoes and join me, whether it is for a run a walk or some of the exercises I will be demonstrating. Join in and enjoy.   If you don’t run and want to get started there are a couple of ways to do it.  By yourself with the Couch to 5k or locally with others and The Running Room.  I just kept adding distance to my running until I reached that 5k and that is how I got here.  I did run years ago and it just seems to come back to me when I lace up again.

Will see you next week, where I hopefully can raise my abs from the dead too!

**disclaimer: I am in no way a Doctor or Physical Trainer. I am going to share with you my thoughts and ideas about how to get into shape again. I strongly advise consulting a medical professional prior to starting any workout routine as well as a professional trainer. I am in no way responsible for any injury you may sustain from trying any of my suggestions.

Categories: Workout Wednesday

Since I missed last weeks Workout Wednesday, I thought I would post it today with the results of our Winterman Running yesterday.

Hubby did the half marathon (yes, he is THAT crazy) in 1hr 56min.  Which is amazing.  We had a morning of good temperatures and some snow which made footing difficult.  Not too cold but also a tad bit slippery.  Hubby has run in this before so he was prepared.

Since I was running I had to rely on Zoom Photo to capture us so these two photos are courtesy of ZoomPhoto.ca.

I have never run in the snow, so I was not so prepared for my feet feeling like they might slip out from under me at any given moment, so my strides were shorter and the hills were harder (this is the same course I have run for the CIBC Race for the Cure the last two years) add to that the chest cold I have had for a week and a half and the fact that our treadmill broke (a new belt is on the way) so I hadn’t run for a week and a half.  I think I did pretty good at 33min 19sec.  I was really hoping to get below 30min, but it just wasn’t going to happen yesterday. I was thinking this was my first timed run ever, but Hubby reminded me that back in 2000 I ran/walked the 5k with some friends from work and it was timed.  I was able to look up my time from ten years ago and I did the 5k in 41min 41sec.  Pretty sad considering I was 15lbs lighter and ten years younger!!

My plan is still to do the 10k in May and surprise Hubby with it, so my training to get past the 5k will continue, let’s just hope it is a nice day in May for the run.

Categories: Workout Wednesday