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Over At Last

It is 4pm and the sun is shining, the snow is crisp and we still can’t get out into the street. Well, we could but the plow has not been by so we could get stuck. Two people have tried to go out, neither had four wheel drive and the neighbours had to push them back into their driveways. Two tractors from snowblowing companies have just barely made it down the street to fulfill their obligations.

The first photo is of the street at about 8am this morning.

The second is a viw of the car in the driveway, a repeat from a photo I took on Thursday.

And the third is the backyard. The swing are about half buried. Our fence is 8 feet tall and our backyard slopes. Where the snow stops on the pergola is where the top of the chairs come to in the summer.

Wish you were here!! ??

edited to add: We broke the record! 51cm fell, at least we got a little something out of it ;0).

Categories: Uncategorized, Weather, Winter

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  • Kim March 9, 2008, 5:07 pm

    I’m speechless. It’s beautiful, but being stuck isn’t much of a trade off for the possible hypothermia and being stranded in your own home. I hope y’all are stockpiled in. Thanks for sharing and stay warm.

  • Karen MEG March 9, 2008, 10:26 pm

    Oy, it looks even worse where you are!!! It’s not so much fun setting these types of records, is it LOL! I am so wishing for spring…

  • Heidi March 10, 2008, 4:50 am

    Can’t see the pictures?! But it sounds crazy. Hang in there, it must stop soon, right?


  • Sharon March 10, 2008, 8:18 am

    That’s an impressive shot. I kinda like being snowed in and hunkering down with a book or a movie. WHICH is what we did.

    I hope though that was the last storm of the season.


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