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Out and About

I did it! I got out of my house today for the whole entire day. With the nausea on track and the back getting better, I dropped J at my Mom’s and ran a bunch of errands. The ones where they are two minute stops so it is easier without a toddler in tow. Then I picked him up and headed to the Children’s museum with a girlfriend and her daughter (and baby son too). We spent the entire afternoon there. Three hours, definately the longest J has spent at a museum other than when he was a baby. It was great to get out, plan to do it again tomorrow. Hopefully the back will get better faster with a bit of use.

Categories: Fun Stuff to do with Kids

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  • chichimama January 25, 2007, 1:55 pm

    Whoo hoo! Hope you enjoyed your day out and about!

  • local girl January 25, 2007, 3:19 pm

    I’m sure you felt much better after getting outdoors! Glad to hear the nausea is better!