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Love You

This is a photo of J and my Uncle last summer. My Uncle is not doing so well right now. He is in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers right now. If he pulls through this it will be truly a miracle. I am so glad I was able to tell him how much we loved him when I was there a month ago.

My Uncle was a military man, Army. When I was younger, I was always a little afraid of him. He seemed tough to me and me being a kid I didn’t always understand that we were maybe a little loud and screaming and perhaps running around his house.

As I got older and started to visit without Mom and Dad and eventually started bringing Hubby down to visit, I could see how underneath the tough exterior my Uncle was a big softy. He welcomed us into his home every year, no questions asked, this year included, he couldn’t wait for us to visit even though he was having surgery the week before.

We would camp out sometimes for a night, other times for a whole week. And sometimes we even actually ‘camped’ on the living room floor. He never complained, but fed us until we couldn’t eat anymore and stocked us up with fruit and vegetables from his garden. When Hubby and I were first married and in our new home.  My Sister decided to get married and Mom and Dad didn’t have room for everyone at their house, so Hubby and I offered our house to my Uncle and Aunt.  For all the times we had gone down and stayed with them, this was our turn to host them in our home.  They were our first guests and I was so happy to be able to take care of them the way they had always taken care of me.  When it was time for them to go, my Uncle turned to me on the front porch and with tears in his eyes, he said, ‘Thank you so much, this has meant everything to your Aunt and I”.  I knew right then, that I had grown up.

Thank you Uncle.

Categories: Family

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  • Kim July 31, 2008, 11:19 pm

    I’ll be praying. What a blessing to have an uncle like this.

  • bethany actually July 31, 2008, 11:50 pm

    Your uncle sounds like a very special man, and what wonderful memories you have of him over the years! I will keep him and your aunt in my prayers.

  • Chantal August 1, 2008, 10:36 am

    That is so sweet, I hope he pulls though!

  • 180/360 August 1, 2008, 2:35 pm

    Thinking of you and your family. I am glad you were able to have this special time together last month. I’m sure that meant a lot to him.

  • Octamom August 2, 2008, 7:44 pm

    What a precious man–what a gift to have someone like this in your life.

    Thanks for your sweet comment over at my ‘place’–

  • gorillabuns August 2, 2008, 10:45 pm

    Your Uncle DOES sound like a softy underneath the exterior. How wonderful to have him in your life – giving back what he gave you. I’ll be praying for him and your family.

  • Kami August 2, 2008, 11:25 pm

    Isn’t’ growing up wonderful, it makes you appreciate things that you didn’t have the capacity to appreciate when you experienced them. I’ll keep him in my thoughts and prayers:-)

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