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Hunkering Down

The storm has started.  We are expected to break the record from back in 1947 of 40.8cm of snow in one day (it too was in March, the 2nd I believe).  I took a before photo and will take some in between photos to keep you all posted over the weekend.  We are stocked up and ready to stay home for the next two days at least.

The cake was a success, J was sad that he did not win it or any cake for that matter, but once I told him I could make him little cake bugs anytime, he cheered right up.  And no, I have never taken a class, just played with a lot of playdoh.  Will post more details later.

And last but, not least.   I have PINK EYE.

Yes, folks, I got J’s maladies in the complete opposite order from him.  He started with pink eye, got a cold and then had the 24 hour bug, over a span of two weeks.  In less than one week, I started with the 24 hour flu, got a massive cold (worse than his, I believe) and now am ending it with pink eye.  Man March sucks.

Check back tomorrow, I may be shovelling the back yard so the dogs can do their business, should be fun!

Categories: Randomness

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  • kate5kiwis March 8, 2008, 2:42 am

    oh dahling, we were at the surf again today, no pix but Bulldog and M6 did handstands in the shallows, you will get some of our *sunshine* SO SOON i just know it.
    love love love X

  • Chantal March 8, 2008, 9:19 am

    well the good thing is that is J started with Pink eye then you know you are finishing with it, right!?!?!? I will think positive for you.

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