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Home, Baby.

After a year of dreaming of this visit to California.  And then not knowing for sure if we were going to be able to go.  Then, being able to go.  Then getting there. Having the time of our lives.  And coming home.  Home is a little depressing today.

I mean, I love my home, but since I have dreamed of  living in California since I was in High School it is really hard for me to come home after experiencing all things California.  By the time we left even driving on the scary Highways weren’t so scary anymore.  We got home at 3:45 am Eastern time.  Hubby was a trooper and just kept driving last night.  I could barely keep my eyes open despite being on California time but he seemed determined to get us home.  We slept in this morning and awoke to what would normally be a gorgeous Fall day.  But, since we were just in the depths of summer it seems a little chilly and a lot less exciting.  Of course we can’t be on vacation all the time, but it sure felt like we just fit right in with Bethany and Brenda, so much so that it would be easy to imagine living close by and just hanging out.

Tuesday was our day to head down to visit with Bethany.  Brenda graciously offered to pick us up so I wouldn’t have to brave the Freeways by myself.  I would have made it but, I know it would have taken me about 30 minutes longer and I would have been sweating it out for sure.  Brenda just breezed through in the carpool lane (which I wouldn’t have thought about taking) and we got to chat some more.

Arriving at Bethany’s was such a treat.  Bethany quickly rushed off to shower and refused to hug me until she was clean.  I understand, but I also felt I knew her enough not to care if she was hot and sweaty, I was just so excited to see her.  Back in five minutes showered and dressed we all got out proper hugs and visits out of the way.  Within minutes J was joining Annalie and Bug in playtime.  Apple even got going in record time.  Brenda and I wondered if the girls were going to fight over who got to play with J, but they all seemed to just fit right in and play without any parental involvement at all.  The kids did their own thing while us Mom’s got to visiting.

We then headed out for lunch and a trip to Balboa Park.  It was lovely to visit the Botanical Gardens and a small Art Gallery, the kids were great even though they were roasting so we packed them back into the van and headed back to Bethany’s for some pool time.

We chatted, visited and stayed in for a homemade lasagna that I am going to try here for sure.  After eating in restaurants for three meals a day, I was thankful for the opportunity to relax and enjoy dinner with Bethany and Brenda.  We even fed the kids first and got them into their pj’s so that we could enjoy dinner without interruption.  It was fantastic.

After a good nights sleep and a quick trip to Snail Mountain for breakfast.  In which I faced a few more of my fears of heights.  Something I need to get over. Brenda and I headed back.

Meeting both Bethany and Brenda in person was more than I could ever ask for.  Both women are charming, fun, whitty and oh so creative.  In both cases I felt like we had always been friends and not just met for the first time.  Since we really have known each other for years, it really was a treat that we were able to come together with our kids and have a wonderful time.  Thank you to both ladies for showing me such a wonderful time and taking time in their busy schedules to visit with us Canadians. I am already looking forward to our next meeting and just hope that it is not too long of a wait.

Categories: Vacation

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  • Kami September 25, 2009, 8:16 pm

    It looks like a fabulous trip and meeting your friends was extra special! Welcome home 🙂

  • bethany actually September 25, 2009, 8:38 pm

    Aw, we’re SO glad you came! As far as I’m concerned, you can count on us visiting you someday because I have more than one person to visit in Ottawa, plus, y’know, BeaverTails. 😉 Your odds are good!

  • Kim September 25, 2009, 10:25 pm

    Glad y’all had so much fun!!! Good memories are a treasure!

  • Chantal September 26, 2009, 8:17 pm

    That sounds like an amazing trip. It was a beautiful day today but nothing compared to the weather in Cali I am sure. 🙂