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Hockey Day

We are not a Hockey Family.

Hockey Day

There I said it.

All things Canadian and we are not hugely part of it.  I grew up watching the Montreal Canadians play all the time. I wanted to play hockey just like Guy Lafleur. The funniest part, I didn’t actually play hockey on the ice. I played floor hockey and street hockey, but not ice hockey.  Then I grew up a little. I went to Ottawa Senators Games when I was a bartender, a lot. But after I stopped working there, the desire kind of left me.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good game, but I don’t feel the need to go.

Hockey Day

When A played hockey for a few years, we did the get up at 5:30am and drag J out of bed and sit in a freezing cold hockey rink, we did it and we cheered him on.  When he stopped playing we weren’t too sad about it.

Hockey Day

We have asked J for the last two winters if he wanted to play, he wasn’t too enthusiastic, mostly because he thinks his skating isn’t up to par. Then his buddy decided he wanted to do a Hockey Birthday party. So we bought a few pieces of equipment and borrowed the others and what we had was our little/big guy out on the ice.  And honestly, he did fabulous.

Hockey Day

J actually plays a great game of street hockey, just like his Mom, I mean Dad. So we were really proud of how well he did on the ice. Knowing it was only his skating holding him back we realize that maybe he just needs to get out and skate more than the once a week at school. He told me this morning that he really loved Winter, perhaps having BeachMama as a Mom means that I am holding him back from some fun Winter activities. We keep asking if he wants to play hockey next year, I guess we will just have to see if he finally answers yes.

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  • Valerie March 6, 2011, 9:55 pm

    I’m afraid I don’t ask my kids – I’m not enthusiastic about early mornings at all, LOL. But Sarah started playing at school at noon or after school and seemed to really enjoy it. Not enough to want to join a real team, but enough to play casually with her friends and I think that’s great (I never did). Nice idea for a party – I’m glad J went and had fun.

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