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Fashion Shoot and some Cupcakes.

Yesterday, I had the wonderful opportunity to have a fashion shoot with the sweetest teenager, I have yet to meet.  We had a lot of fun and took many wonderful photos.

I’ll leave you with one here, but for more head on over to my photo blog.

Oh my she is just so gorgeous.  And take a look at that cupcake.  I know, it looks divine.  Well, it not only looks divine, but tastes like a little bit of Heaven.  And you are thinking, but BeachMama you make cupcakes!  I know, but I just didn’t have the time or the will power to go through with a whole batch of cupcakes and icing.  Then I met Nicole from Let Them Eat Cake Bakery. And on her last day of work before her mat leave kicked in she whipped up a batch of these gorgeous cupcakes for me.

I wanted some for the shoot and well, we ate a few of them yesterday.  They are smooth and delicious and just the right amount of sweetness.  Nicole is about to have her first baby (congratulations Nicole!) so she will be off for a little bit, but I get the feeling she will be easing back into baking quite quickly so if you need some cupcakes, a cake or some cookies head on over to her site and order some up you will not be disappointed. Thank you Nicole!

Categories: Photography, Recipes

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  • A Crafty Mom January 11, 2010, 10:09 am

    Gorgeous!!! (The girl and the cupcakes, both!) My sweet tooth is driving me wild lately, and if I could reach thru the screen and eat one of those, I definitely would.

    I can’t believe her eyes!!! They are so magical and piercing!!

  • 180|360 January 12, 2010, 2:54 pm

    How fun! She is beautiful. I didn’t know you had a photoblog! Can’t wait to check it out. 🙂

  • C January 15, 2010, 4:44 pm

    Fabulous photos, Anna! You are truly talented! xo

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