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Happy Thanksgiving

Apparently I was too busy Thursday , Friday and Saturday to post and for that I apologize, but I promise we have been having fun.

Today since the sun was shining we thought we would take a walk through the Arboretum here in Ottawa.  A beautiful piece of land bordered by Dow’s Lake, the Rideau Canal and Prince of Wales Drive.  We got there and the wind was blowing so hard that we were all just a little cold.  We stayed long enough for me to take some photos with a dream of a lens that I borrowed for the weekend (Nikon 80-400mm) and to meet a very friendly photographer that offered to take a family shot for us.  We were only sorry A wasn’t joining us until later because this would have been the perfect holiday shot.

This is where we were, it was so beautiful you would not believe that we needed winter jackets. which none of us were wearing.

It was cool dude day for J.  He was having a blast with this branch he found.

I had taken a photo of Hubby and the kids earlier and just before we got back to the truck Hubby offered to take a shot with me and the kids on this bench.  After a couple of shots this kind gentleman, who had three or four cameras hanging around his neck, came walking up and offered to take a shot for us together.  One look at his gear and I had no problem handing over my camera.  He got a couple of great shots and we all said thanks and started heading back to the truck.

He then stopped and asked if he could use us for a photo.  We were more than happy to oblige.  In the end he just wanted Hubby and Apple, so J and I stood back and watched.  I introduced myself and he said, “I am Darren, from the Ottawa Sun”.  Ack!  I was in the midst of celebrity.  Thankfully, I kept myself composed, I think and only asked a question or two, I hope.  Then he was off to complete his assignment and we packed it in.  And I still was in awe of his amazing cameras and the ease that he just swung them around and chose what he needed and took the shots.

As I was packing up my gear in the truck Darren was already on his way back to his car and he even stopped to offer me a tip to use on my camera.  Something I knew I could do, but just hadn’t gotten around to trying out.  A way to keep my kids in focus when they are running or wiggling like crazy (which I would love to explain, but not sure how to yet).  I was much obliged and only wish I had a whole afternoon to sit and pick his brain.

And here is a shot I took while Darren was shooting with his gorgeous lens, one that I truly only dream of owning.  If you get the Sun, keep your eyes open for these two good looking family members of mine.  Oh yes, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Categories: Photography, Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

To my fellow Canadians celebrating this weekend.  Happy Thanksgiving.

The turkey is in the oven and already smelling yummy.  We won’t be eating for several hours, so in the mean time, I will make the Apple Crisp for those that don’t eat Pumpkin Pie.  The sweet potato casserole is ready to go as are the turnips.  My Sister is bringing the potatoes and cauliflower and Dad and Mom are bringing the wine and rolls.

As I set the table for our family gathering, I will be thinking of all the things I am thankful for this year.

Here are a few.

I am thankful for:

My Family.  Hubby, the kids, my parents, my sisters and their families.  Opa, who is here for a few more days before heading home.  And all of my extended family that we don’t get to see often enough.

Our home.

My health. And the health of my family.

The beautiful country that we live in.

The food on our table.

And the friends I have, both in my every day and those I have met through this crazy world of blogging.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Categories: Fall, Thanksgiving

Today I am thankful for the two blessings I have with me here at home. I am thankful for their smiles and their laughter. I am thankful for a healthy family and for Hubby who works hard to provide for us. I am thankful for my Parents and my Sisters and their families. And I am thankful for all of our extended families.
Today, when I usually serve Turkey for my Dad, I wish you all a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. May you all be surrounded by loved ones and family.

Categories: Thanksgiving