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Day 1: 25 Days of Christmas

And the first snow fall.

We made it until November 30th for the real first snowfall and accumulation of the year. But, true to form J was raring to go. Apple doesn’t really appreciate snow yet, but after her ride around the backyard after school yesterday she may be a little more excited when we get another drop.

I was able to sneak a few photos through the window as J pulled Apple back and forth across the lawn.

That was one of those rare Brother/Sister moments that I was so happy to catch. I just feel badly that Apple won’t be able to return the favour for a few years as he is just that much bigger than she is.

Today was Day 1 of the 25 Days of Christmas that Andrea started up. We prepared a little something for the kids that was supposed to be all in one box, but after I spent an hour setting up the Playmobil Advent Calendar for Apple, I was in no mood to stuff it in a box. So we set up the Advent’s on the table with some Old Fashioned (Frosty, Rudolf..) movies wrapped up, Home Alone 2, and some Christmas Music. We were going to throw in pj’s but I was having trouble finding what I wanted so will add those in this week sometime.

Both kids were on fire when they woke up this morning, jumping all over me in bed while Hubby did his shower thing. Finally, we were able to come down to the kitchen and they went straight for the table and started opening up the stuff. It was quite exciting. J was even explaining to Apple how she could only open one door each day to find a surprise inside.

And then, I was off for my shower and true start to the day. 6am is early.

Categories: Christmas, Holidays, Kids, Winter

Happy Easter!

We dyed eggs that have been waiting for a while to be dyed.  We hunted for eggs and ate too much chocolate.  We discussed the reason we actually celebrate Easter. And we visited some family.  All in all not a bad Easter.  Now if only I can throw away all the chocolate.  Before I eat it all.

Categories: Family, Fun Stuff to do with Kids, Holidays

Let the Baking Begin.

As I have done for the last two years, I am going to bake again for Hubby’s staff.  I even searched for last years post, but I just can’t find it. I know I wrote one because I remember some of the comments.  Alas, if I keep searching I won’t get this one written either.

For the last two years I filled boxes full of cookies, and when I mean full, I mean full.  I bought 4x4x4 (inches) boxes the first Christmas and thought 400 cookies would be plenty to fill them.  Ten a piece for the staff, no problem.  Then the night came to fill the boxes.  Well, ten cookies looked like ten crumbs the boxes were so big.  So while I started baking another 400 cookies, Hubby went to the bulk store and picked up chocolate balls and sesame snaps to help fill the boxes.  Thankfully we started early and got them finished in time.  And the staff loved them, which I truthfully would never know the difference, but I do know that they were so surprised that Hubby even thought of his staff.  (It was his first year there and in the past we would buy a box of Chocolates for each of his staff, but back then he only had eleven staff members, not 44.)


 Last year, I was prepared.  I made a thousand cookies, bought sesame snaps and an ornament for each box.  Some of the staff called to Thank me, I was touched.


This year, I have started baking, in between other stuff and have about 300 cookies on hand in the freezer, ready for baking.  I also had to purchase more boxes this year, so I opted for the 3x3x3 (inches) size box which is considerably smaller, but I will be able to get away with ten cookies each and some sesame snaps.  I hope to tie them with some twine and an ornament again (we bought a big box of ornaments for very little money and so it was festive to put them in the boxes). And hopefully this will be the start of less cookies is more.

My waistline is almost (and I mean I am on my last 5lbs) as small as it was when I first got pregnant with J, so I don’t want to ruin it all by baking as much as I did last year.  Because when baking for others one must always sample the wares, just in case.  Actual cookie photos to come when baked, promise.

Categories: Christmas, Holidays, Recipes