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When Bethany posted photos of her Easter baskets that she crocheted, I instantly fell in love.  They are so colourful and cute.  I really wanted one.  But, alas, I am not as talented in crochet.  Then, she put two up in her Etsy shop.  Yay for me!  Then, I thought they were both sold.  But, I noticed she still had one left, so I jumped on it.  That and a headband that I wore all day today and it never fell out.  Too bad I forgot to take a photo of myself.  So this is how Apple got her first purse.  And she sat there putting her pacifier in and out and stuffing a few toys in it, then taking them out.  I was so proud of her, only seven and a half months old and already she knows what she needs in her purse.  Thank you Bethany for making such a beautiful basket.  It will be cherished for a very long time to come.

Saturday we went to the Fire Station here in our community.  They hold a pancake breakfast every Spring. And every year I hear about it after it happened.  But, this year we made it!  We met up with some of J’s buddies from school and their parents.  The boys climbed all over the fire trucks.  The firemen were great about it.  I would have been a little anxious but they seemed very casual about all the kids touching their gear.  Perhaps because it offered a break in their routine and something to catch up on later.

The station is officially closed for the morning and the garage is lined with tables.  The local Lions Club puts on the breakfast and all proceeds go to charity (which is great, otherwise it was a very expensive breakfast).  The pancakes were delicious and the sausages were pretty good too.  The service was friendly and full of smiles.  And we all had a wonderful morning.  I have to remember to make pancakes more often, they were gone in seconds.  More fire station photos can be found on my flickr page.

Categories: Etsy, Fun Stuff to do with Kids

Open for Business

I did it! My shop is open. I will continue to add things as I finish them but, I can mark one of my things off my “one day I will” to do list.

Categories: Etsy