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As I was breaking out the tulle this morning to make a few more Tutus I realized that I never blogged about my homemade Christmas this year, even worse is that I didn’t take pictures of their presents all boxed and ready to go.  And honestly I didn’t make a lot, for my family, as I spent way too much time making stuff for the craft show, that I didn’t leave time to get the family stuff all made.

So, I improvised.  My Sisters got a mix of hand made stuff left over from the craft show, with a movie, a recipe book and a wine guide for making a date night at home.  My nephews got handmade DS cases, made out of neoprene and some money to treat themselves.  And my nieces each got a Tutu with some money to treat themselves.

Apple got a Tutu as well.  Here, I was thinking she was going to love it and I would have lots of pictures of my sweet little girl dancing around in her Tutu with her princess shoes on.  Well, she has worn it once, and that is it.  I love the Tutu, it is so fun and fluffy.  With a Tutu you can be a ballerina or a princess, the choice is yours.  I still remember my Tutu I had as a little girl, I wore it until it was no more.

So for now, all I have to show you is a photo of Apple’s Tutu and hope that in time, she will want to wear it more.  Now, back to making some Tutus for other little girls, who apparently love them.

Categories: Christmas, Craftiness

Craft Show Debrief

It is Sunday and I am beat.  Yesterday was the craft show at WO Mitchell in Kanata.  All went well and my Mom even came out to hold my hand for me.  Well, keep me company is more like it.  This is the table we set up.

Most of my little hats went.  And some of the cloth gift bags.

Soothing Bath Salts (extras are up in my shop, if you are local contact me directly to avoid shipping) and soaps were a good hit too.  As were the magnets.  The remaining desk calenders and note cards are up in my Etsy shop .

I didn’t sell as many prints as I would have liked and I do have some Christmas cards left over (which will be up in the shop later tonight).  I did get a good response to my Family Photo sessions, so all in all it was a pretty good day.

Thank you so much to Chatal, Shannon and Caroline (who is still blogless) who came out to see me and show me support. It really meant a lot to me.  And thank you Lynn for making me be creative!

Now back to my regularly scheduled programming.

Categories: Craftiness, Photography

What I Have Been Up To.

Life has been a little crazy chez BeachMama.

In September Lynn asked me if I wanted to participate in a craft show.  I looked at what I had around or could get together and said sure.  Well the craft show is this Saturday and although I think I have quite a bit of stuff I am also wondering if I have enough.

I have a selection of fine art prints ready and packaged up.

Some magnets  and note cards I put together.

A good variety of children’s hats.

Some soap and bath salts, coffee cozy’s and a few other things that I didn’t take pictures of.  I am also doing up some cloth gift bags in this holiday print I had lying around.  Tonight will be spent at my sewing machine, I think.

We also fit in a trip to Montréal to celebrate and say good-bye to Uncle Doug as well as a visit with my cousin who came up to share in the celebrations.

Add to all of that, the fact that I had the pleasure of a family photo session with A Crafty Mom and her family (more photos can be viewed here), life has really been crazy.

Hopefully when the craft show wraps up this weekend, I will have much more time to spend here again.

Categories: Craftiness, Photography