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Another Trip Down Memory Lane

 It’s funny how the smallest thing can take you on a ride down Memory Lane.

Here is my Memory for today.

Today, I warmed up some Mac n’ Cheese for Apple.  Hubby had put some hot dogs cut up in it for the kids last night, a little extra protein and a little more fun.  The smell of the hot dogs just took me right on back.  Back to an era when the only time we had hot dogs was at the beach cooked over hot coals.  At least that is how I remember it.

The picture up top is actually on our cross Canada trip one summer and we are at Lake Superior , back when we only had ourselves and the scenery to keep us company on long drives. Mom was taking one of a few shots that we would have from this trip.  Back then film and developing was expensive.  They bought a roll and took a photo a day or a stop.  One roll served the whole trip, I believe, maybe two.  That table cloth was plastic, but it made it to every trip to the beach and I don’t mean the Beach by the Ocean, I mean Lac Philipe up in the Gatineaus only an hours ride from our house.  We dont’ go up there too often because with pollution the beaches get closed after too much rain, and we have had our fair share the last few years. Back in the ’70s and ’80s we went up almost every other weekend all summer long.  We would stop at the chip wagon for a fresh chip and soda on the way home, Québec may have a few difficulties, but they make the best chip wagon chips anywhere.

This next picture is at the beach at a Church Camp we used to go to every summer, my Dad was the pastor and I remember how much fun we had.  I remember this photo being taken.  I remember that yellow shirt and my Mom’s t-shirt, which later became mine and is in a memory box in the basement. I remember that we used to drive in the car down the dirt road to Lac Philipe.  Dad would drive, Mom would be in the front seat and us girls in the back, and on the car… yes ON the car, would be all the youth.  Guys would be sitting on the hood, the roof, the trunk and Dad would crawl along the dirt road transporting the youth to and from the beach.  You could never do that now, but back then, it was the ’70s nobody cared.  The youth would be dangling their bare feet in front of Dad’s face to see if he could see and we would all be laughing and giggling and it was just a hoot.

And when we would get back to camp the guys would break out guitars and sit around a circle and sing Church songs.  They were all hippies back then so they would be drying out their long hair in the sun.  And Mom, she would be cooking up some hot dogs over the hot coals singing along with the rest of us.

Categories: Memory Lane

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  • Twinmomplusone January 15, 2010, 3:23 pm

    what beautiful, beautiful picture, thanks for sharing!
    seems like such easy-going loving times filled with fun
    i hope our kids will look at their childhood pics with equal fondness


  • Valerie January 15, 2010, 3:45 pm

    such huge smiles – love it!

  • C January 15, 2010, 4:41 pm

    Awwww! What a wonderful post! I love how certain scents, sights, or sounds just take us back to our childhood memories. Thanks for sharing with us. Love it!

    Happy New Year to you and the rest of the BeachMama clan! xo

  • Lynn January 15, 2010, 6:24 pm

    Oh, you are the cutest EVER. I loved this post — I love reading about people’s memories. The pictures are the icing on the cake. No wonder you and your parents are still so close!

  • Kami January 15, 2010, 11:06 pm

    Isn’t that fun how the smell brought all that back! And you and your mom look so much alike and your dad and J – wow, striking! Isn’t that so neat?