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A Good Start to the Weekend

We knew that Saturday was going to be a write off for going anywhere fun.  Although the temperatures were great, just hovering around freezing, the forecasted and received snow was bang on.  March came in like a Lion in my eyes and this is the year we all keep saying, “enough with the snow already”.   Our wonderful neighbour once again blew out our driveway, which was a Godsend as Hubby threw out his back last week and I didn’t want to throw mine out by shoveling another 15cm of snow.

We got some stuff done around the house.  I got my drying racks installed in my laundry room, and it only took three years, whoot, whoot.  I had taken a few photos, but they showed more of my food and stacked laundry on the drier than the racks, so I opted out on those ones.

We managed a trip to the grocery store so I could pick up ingredients for a test cake.  I am making a cake to be raffled off at J’s school this Friday and I had never made Marshmallow Fluff Icing, so I wanted to try it out first and see how it would hold up for me.

 I think it turned out great!  Does it look like the colour of grass?  J wanted a garden cake with bugs, and I wanted to do a cake that wasn’t so girlie.  My intention will be to decorate it with ladybugs, butterflies, flowers, worms, etc.  made out of chocolate molding.  I did a rough drawing, you can see how rough it is…

 I just hope it turns out in the end.  This is my first cake raffle.

We also got some shelves built for the almost finished basement and were getting everybody prepared for our scheduled visit to the Maple Sugar Bush on Sunday morning.  Then…

…. I got sick.

Yes, sick as in running to the bathroom sick.  At first I was thinking I had had too much cake for dessert, but then I realized I had what J had.  Either all my cleaning was in vain or I encountered someone at the grocery store with the same virus.  I don’t actually think I mentioned this, but on Friday I found out that one of J’s classmates was sick at school on Wednesday and J was helping him out and he stepped in it!  Yes, it would have been nice if he had told me.  So, yes I had the same bug.  I took some Gravol but, it makes me very groggy.  Our Sunday plans were shot and Apple was being a handful, so I called in reinforcements.

Mom arrived all smiles, sat and played with Apple, cuddled he while she napped. I napped too.  And Hubby took care of J.  Frolicking in the sunshine and mountains of snow in our backyard.  I tried hard not to cry as I was very sad that we did not make it to the Sugar Bush.  There is always next weekend I guess. And now I am on to the cold that J has.  I think we will be making another return to the Doctor’s this week.  This is the most we have seen him in four years!

Ahhh Winter, is it over yet??

Categories: About Me, Family, Recipes, Winter

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  • bethany actually March 3, 2008, 10:30 pm

    Oh, man. I am sorry to hear you’re sick, and you missed the Sugar Bush. That bites. I hope you’re able to go next week!

    The frosting looks really good, and so does the sketch! I can’t wait to see how the finished bug cake looks. 🙂

  • Chantal March 4, 2008, 10:29 am

    Poor you, sick sucks. I hope it clears up quickly. Cool that your school jumped on the cake raffle band wagon. I love making cakes for D’s school. Although I never did post about my guilt at missing the last cake walk (I am way too hard on myself sometimes). Take Care of youuuuuu!

  • Karen MEG March 4, 2008, 6:22 pm

    Poor, poor you! I hope you get better soon. This bug seems to be hitting everywhere I surf!!!

  • little miss mel March 5, 2008, 12:37 pm

    cake looks great! I bet it will be a winner!

    Sorry you have been taken over by illness. Hopefully, it will end SOON. I sure see an uprise of sickness when the older kid heads off to school. Bummer!

    Hang in there!

  • 180/360 March 5, 2008, 1:28 pm

    This has been our sickest year ever! I hope you feel better soon. The cake looks great.

  • Sharon March 5, 2008, 3:24 pm

    Aww being SICK. I hate being sick. And honestly some cleaning helps but no matter how much you clean you can pick up a big anywhere. I picked up one at School just before our march break. The teenagers woke up to the loverly sound of me ralphing into a bucket while my other end did it”s job into the Porcalain throne.

    Is winter over yet? As she stares at 8 more inches of snow.

  • Sharon March 5, 2008, 3:25 pm

    Beautiful cake BTW!