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Back From The Beach

As I spent the day doing five loads of washing and going grocery shopping, I have been hit hard in the face with reality.  I am not on vacation anymore.

Every single year the day after we get back from The Beach, I am sad.  I miss the smell of the ocean and the way that everything is hot warm and has sand in it. I get home and the grass it ten feet tall, it is cold and rainy and all I can smell is home.  As much as home is great and I love it, I miss the beach.  As I wash all the bedding and empty the suitcases I take in the smells of the ocean, cottage and all things beach until I can see it again.

Thankfully, I have my photos and memories to keep me company.  Apple ran the beach like she was a lifeguard and J not only rode the waves, but rode all sorts of big rides that we never dreamed he would go on.  Hubby took on the Ocean for the last two days and I dug my fingers and toes in the sand as much as I could.

Until we meet again, here is a little self-portrait.  I just had to take one to prove to myself that I was really there.

Categories: The Beach, Vacation

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  • City Mama July 12, 2009, 11:37 pm

    HI Beachmama! I just found your blog and it is wonderful! Very fresh and fun. I will keep checking back to read your posts.

  • Sharon July 13, 2009, 8:21 am

    Glad you’re back. I have missed you!

  • Twinmomplusone July 13, 2009, 8:55 am

    welcome back 🙂

  • Chantal July 13, 2009, 10:27 am

    Oh I can just imagine. I LOVE the ocean too. I often think I was born in the wrong province. Although I did grow up along the shores of the St Lawrence and I miss it living in suburban Ottawa. Glad to have you back.

  • Kim July 13, 2009, 9:22 pm

    Glad y’all had fun. It’s always sad when vacations are over.